sims 4 for rent not working
I’ve just bought my 2nd property, bought it fully furnished for 43,000. Travel back home just to find on the tenant agreement it has a 1 star rating, missing/basic amenities, lacking environment and my max rent is 2 simoleons.. also when I try to move a tenant in, it’s showing as 0 bed, 0 bath. There’s 3 beds/bedrooms and 1 bathroom???
bare in mind this property is fully furnished with good quality furniture. Went back to the property, changed some furniture, noticed I wasn’t gaining any simoleons for the items sold unless I went through a process of undo/redo the sale. Thought I’d save myself time, saved the lot and bulldozed the property, only to get 13,000 simoleons back after bulldozing, so probably just for the skeleton. Could only afford to place the saved lot down unfurnished. Just worked my sim to burnout to gain 40,000 simoleons and decorated / furnished the house myself. Go back home. Still 1 star rating, still showing as 0 beds, 0 baths. Yes, I have edited this on the build mode property menu. Yes I have restarted my console and game. Yes I am regretting buying this pack..