Forum Discussion

fashionbug123's avatar
4 years ago

Sims can not live in apartments

Product: The Sims 4
Platform: MAC 
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All except Paranormal Stuff 
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Have sims live in apartment with the  time syncing  and do not have apartment and dorm errors 
What happens when the bug occurs? When i start playing my sims in the apartment the in game time do not sync in gameplay 
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Yes 
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Not sure because this problem start happening every since i first play the sims in 3 or 4 years ago and it never been solved 
Please describe the patch or change you made. 

So i was testing to see why my Sims 4 game time clock not syncing. I tested a sim in a house  for a few sims days and when it comes to apartment its not working as it should be and it sucks that my sims can not live in the apartments without the game time clock not syncing.  San Myshuno is my favorite world for my sims to live in and  sims i tried to play with live there and this problem happen immediately . I play with and without mods and clear caches and it still happening 

7 Replies

  • I don't play on MAC so my perspective is purely from a PC Point of View; however it occurs to me, that there are some...difficulties in understanding this bug report (if that is what it's intended to be). When you say "Game time doesn't sync" where are you going to have it sync? I mean, the game clock is supposed to be universal to each world (albeit some worlds have slightly different "Time Zones"), so I'm wondering if your talking about what would be the PC Equivalent of a Processor's Clock Error, or actually mean in reference to rotational play? If you do play rotationally understand that time won't perfectly match one household to another even if you have just left one household for another. 

    It would also be of great help if you could test the circumstances /completely/ without Mods of any kind (including CC) so you could (for future reference) mark the bug report as "Not Now, I've removed them" for the "Are you using Mods" question. That would help people know that you've at least tested it to be something in the base game, and not one of your mods. Just posting details in the description doesn't really organize the report, either you play with mods, you play with them but removed them for testing, or you never used them (and on newer reports they also have an option for "Console - Never Used" which applies to PS3,PS4,XBOX,etc only.) After adding and removing mods, always clear your cache as instructed, but be sure to remember to uncheck any in-game options on the settings to "Enable Mods" or "Enable CC" or "Allow Script Mods"; these are the fastest most efficient ways to remove mods for testing if you play on PC, I can't speak for MAC again because I don't have one. (This assumes you use mods that don't "Replace" files. If they do replace files (manually or via injecting new code into the core sims files), you may need to reinstall the game to clear out the damage)

  • Edit: So I tested without mods and it work as it should be and i tested with mods and i have to remove some of it because it messed up my time. Example so i save my game at 3pm sims world so the one i removed it starts at 3:02pm when i save my game at 3:00pm. i tested all the other mods and it work fine but the problem i am having with is the in-game time not stopping .  I do not know if my save is corrupted i do not know how to fix and avoid save file corruption. If anyone knows how to fix and avoid corruption please tell me how. And i do not know if its connection errors also and  I don't know how to fix any of these things. It's not my mods so it has to do with the save and connection issues  or is it an Apartment issue. There is a thread about living in apartments generated LE and i posted on there but its sucks tho that my sims can not live in apartments and dorms when i have this issue 

  • Coley666's avatar
    4 years ago

    If it worked without mods then it is a mod that is causing the issue. Make sure all your mods are up to date to the latest patch.

  • It work in residential lots but not in apartments. I took all my mods out except for the 2021 mods but I haven't tried again in apartments with these set  mods which are updated  and without mods. I'm gonna try again and if it don't work. I used to get Apartment LE when City living came out that problem haven't been solved an now its the time causing problem 

  • @fashionbug123 wrote:

    Yeah i just tested out the apartments without mods and its not working 

    this is happening to me too in the apartments with and without mods as well. it's all good when i slept in newcrest and willow creek even on a different file.

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