I seem to be having the opposite problem. When I started playing the SIMS 4 I created 4 different households and over time decided to concentrate on just one household. Since I have been playing I have noticed the auto-populated sims seem to have disappeared, I am guessing they have aged up and died? But none of these households have been replaced! Now I only have a couple of the computer run households left and now I am stuck with a load of empty houses that are too expensive to move other people in. Will the game eventually fill these houses?
I'm not an extreme simmer :blush: I float in an out of the game and I don't know half of what I can do with regards to creating content etc. I don't even know what to do with the extra worlds! lol
I think I may be missing something here so any tips or advice would be good. Plus what is this freerealestate thingy that stilljustme2 mentions?
"stilljustme2;15234207" wrote:
That's exactly what I want to do -- stop the single elder household generation. Thanks! (I don't mind the generated families, especially the ones with kids -- if I find ones I particularly like I'll house them with freerealestate and hope that keeps them from getting culled.)
when you have sooo many options it can get very confusing! lol