"Sthenastia;d-979624" wrote:
I see that a lot of YT Simmers and Customers are spamming on The Sims social media and trying to let EA to give us more skin and hair tones. Do you thing that they will finally get us more skin tones? If yes, what should be fixed next?
I guess that it should be more item swatches, matching cabinets and more lots for base game and expansion worlds.
Before I start I'm going to apologize for seeming like I am attacking anybody or calling them racist and discriminatory towards the disabled. This thing being part of Native American really hits a chord with me. That part of my Heritage doesn't even exist and my husband is disabled with MS. I would love into turning him into a sim but since disabilities aren't in the game I have to use mods to do that. Yet adding more and CC into the game and if something is conflicting it means more I have to shift through or get frustrated and remove everything then add what I know isn't a problem back in. The point I'm making is that I shouldn't have to use CC just to exist. Again I apologize for coming across as a total (bleep)
Before I start my rant I do want more skintones and hair in the game. I'm not opposed to that at all but I simply believe that other things demand a higher priority to these things.
There is a higher chance of more skin tones and hair then Native Americans ever being in Sims 4. Let me emphasis that the Native American and Canada's Fist People do
NOT exist at all in sims 4. No head presets. No clothing. No skin tones. No hair. Nothing at all. Nor are there disabilities in the game either. There is a prejudice against the Native Americans and the disabled it would seem to me. I say this because of all the YouTuber videos focusing on more skin tones but not even bothering to mention that absence of an entire race of people. That comes across a form of covert racism and discrimination against the disabled. I stopped following channels over this.
Granted where disabilities are concerned it's impossible to do everyone in the game however the common ones like hearing impaired, visually impaired, Parkinson's Disease and other more "common" disabilities could be added. If a modder can unlock elevators to put everywhere why haven't the professionals done this yet? It chips at the diversity that I genuinely can say I love about the sims. However, when one group of individuals is omitted there cannot be genuine and complete diversity. I have said this before I love that we have LBGTQ Community represented, African descent, Latinos, Polynesians Samoans, and other groups represented in the sims. I applaud this and welcome more diversity.
Two groups of people completely omitted from the Sims and some people think that these groups shouldn't exist in the community because hair and skin tones take a higher priority in their minds. I believe that every race, culture and ethnicity at least should be the top priority followed by adding in skintones to match as many of us as possible. I truly want more skintones and hairstyles and hair colours. If your race and ethnicity exist in the sims consider yourself fortunate. I have to use 100% CC to create a Native American sim including custom presets I am experimenting with that I created myself. When I feel comfortable sharing them I will with the community. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my work. I feel like it shouldn't be my job to do this because the base game should already have it.
I make my passionate comments through both observations and by watching these videos and from comments made in the comment section in those videos I've seen. My observation of the channels I've seen none of these YouTubers mentioning how an entire race is missing from the sims 4 is a great injustice. If you are one a YouTuber reading this and you have not used your influence to make sure every race and ethnicity is represented then you are a part of the problem and not a part of the solution you are a part of the problem. I know that sounds very cold and harsh but I honestly do not how to word it nicely. I apologize for the stinging harshness of my words. I personally have left channels in tears and feeling genuinely offended and insulted because of what appears to me to seem like a blatant form of covert racism on their part. It takes a lot to actually insult and offend me.
I apologize if I came across as calling anyone a racist I don't know any of the YouTubers who have made these videos on their channel but if you have rewatched and look for you are saying anything in your video and comment section about races not existing and anybody saying anything about how some races don't even exist at all. Everybody has the right to exist. Nobody should be left out. You all need to start using your influence to start making serious changes. Comment and validate those with concerns about entire races not existing and those with disabilities or wishing for them in your comment section or make a new comment or do a second video about how some simmers can't recreate their race or even have their sims with disabilities without using or creating CC and custom presets when it should already be a part of the base game or as a patch added in for the base game. That it's a shameful disgrace to omit entire races cultures ethnicities and the disabled. I know of a couple of YouTubers working on getting disabilities in the game. I thank you and I support your cause. Please keep up the good work and maybe one-day disabilities will exist even if its simply just a few at first. Then hopefully more will surely follow.
We can name Cowplants finally but still disabilities and Native Americans don't even exist in the game. What kind of prioritizing is that? As much as I love the whimsical ability to name Cowplants it should have taken a backseat to more skin tones, more ethnicity, more hairstyles especially more race and ethnic-based hairstyles and hair colours. more races, more cultures more lifestyles that are considered fringe yet still legal and keeping in the T rating being added into the game first. The time the devs used to code naming Cowplants they could have used to create a few head presets for some of the missing races in the game. More diversity should always come first then worry about being whimsical demands of your influencers. Again I apologize for sounding so cold and harsh I couldn't think of a better way to word this. I'm just saying prioritize.
As for Native Americans, I honestly believe that there will never be Native Americans in the game ever. As much I would love to see them, other minorities with a louder voice will be taken care of first as the desire for Native Americans and other races, cultures and ethnicities that don't exist in-game will always be drowned out and as a result, and because of this will never be part of the sims 4 reality. I accept that reality and still despise that injustice. I have learned to be fine with my Native American heritage being omitted but I am not fine with the injustice of it all if that makes any sense. My rant is about the injustice being done.
With my rant done. I honestly don't mean to scream racism and discrimination but it's simply how it appears to me and I could simply be misinterpreting things yet again. Wouldn't be the first time. Sorry again.
Again I apologize if my words hurt anybody's feelings or made any of you feel uncomfortable. This is a topic that I feel passionate about and will continue to call people out on whenever possible. I apologize if my words sting in the process and I come across as a total (bleep) If you haven't noticed by now I really have no filter and I did my best not to swear or come across as insulting to others or call others racist or pull the race card. I did my best to word things to not be harsh and insensitive towards others but EA truly needs to prioritize with missing races and disabilities being a top priority I feel.