Forum Discussion

juliem_1986's avatar
3 years ago

Game froze….

You know the worst part of a game freezing? You did all that work for nothing and just gotta start over. So annoyed right now! I played for 2 hours! Speaking of which do you guys save while playing so this sort of thing doesn’t happen? If so how many times or like when do you do it?
  • In live mode I try to remember and save every 15-20 minutes of real world time. That usually last for the first hour, and then I completely forget to keep saving.? That has left teethmarks on my rump on more than one occasion.??‍♀️ I do a lot like what @Simmingal does when I'm building or redecorating. Like her, if I do something I really like, save, immediately.
  • logionX's avatar
    Seasoned Vanguard
    The game doesn't freeze or crash anymore for me, last time it did that was when it was only 32-bit.

    If everything else runs fine on your computer when the game freezes, then it's probably the game and I would probably check mods. If your whole computer is slow when the game freezes, then it's probably your computer and I would probably check if I'm running out of RAM or if something else is struggling like the CPU or Hard Drive.
  • Honestly idk what it is but i had not had actual crash for a while

    and now I've already had 2 in last 2 days doing completely different things
    (building and just sitting in cas)

    but actually i did interact with gallery both times (saving sims to library and browsing my library builds) so maybe its the gallery

    I do however save my game like madman so i often thankfully am able to recover

    don't really time it but usually when i get the feeling of " oh dang it would be so annoying having to do all of this again" I hit that save button though sometimes i am late by like 2 seconds and curse myself when it crashes :lol:

    in play mode usually at least everytime i fill my sims needs or they gain skill point or something tedious like that

    or if i get sudden feeling of " did i save and when" yeah hit that save button

    building i save like madman everytime i make change that i like

    cas is more problematic since you need name traits and all to save them in library so that I am more likely to lose progress in and get really frustrated so i try to often just give them whatever for those boxes before i actually edit the sim so i can save them mid way
  • Very rarely.

    I can count on one hand the number of times I have had a crash or freeze since I bought the game on release. I have my issues with the game, but crashing isn't one of the them. I am playing a pretty heavily modded game.

    If you are experiencing freezes, then there is only really one place to look for the culprits - mods. Playing mod roulette is very likely to result in a crash/freeze. It's very important that when using mods that you are organised.
  • My game only crashes if there is bad CC. Which hasn’t happened in a while since I’m 95% vanilla now. But here’s a list of when I do save:

    - after each sim comes home from work or school, if the times are all really close then I wait until the last one is home, unless the option below happens
    - immediately after a milestone (promotion, grade improvement, finish a university term, engagement etc.)
    - when leaving/returning to their home lot
    - after everyone is in bed
    - after adding/editing events or holidays
    - every time I finish a section of a room when decorating (ie bed + surrounding area, dining table w/flowers or plant etc)
    - and any other time I wonder how long it’s been since I saved
  • My game freezes sometimes so I try to save whenever I remember to do so, especially after building or reaching a certain goal (promotion, milestone, giving birth,...)

    Unfortunately I also had to redo some things because of a crash.

    I sometimes forget the game doesn't save automatically when you load a lot. The sims 2 used to save when sims left home lot if I remember correctly.
  • I save every night when my sims go to bed, and sometimes more often than that. If I’ve made changes in CAS or a build, I like to save. Thankfully, I have only had very rare crashes or freezes. I could probably count them all on one hand.
  • I've only had a couple of crashes over the lifetime of the game and both times were due to a mod needing to be updated.

    I've gotten into the habit of saving almost every in game hour. It's ingrained now and I do it without even thinking.