Forum Discussion

JesLet40's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 years ago

Help me understand the crude language filter

I was typing up a description for a gym I built for the gallery, and was told it could not be posted because it contained inappropriate language, only I could not for the life of me understand what that might be. In the end I ended up replacing the latin word for year for the English one as it was the only word that was not entirely common in the description. But now I'm wondering if anyone can help me understand why the latin word for year would be inappropriate. Is it a generational thing where I'm just too old? Or am I just plain oblivious to something that everyone else knows?
  • GrumpyGlowfish's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    No one really understands the crude language filter, only that it's overly sensitive. If there's a word that meant something bad in a dead alien dialect that was spoken on Mars in a mirror universe five billion years ago, EA will somehow know about it and not let you use it for gallery uploads.

    I did some research on this particular case, but the only thing I could find is that the Latin word for "year", if written with only one n, becomes the Spanish word for the part of your body that you sit on. Did you write it with only one n by any chance?
  • leo3487's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "GrumpyGlowfish;c-18300575" wrote:
    No one really understands the crude language filter, only that it's overly sensitive. If there's a word that meant something bad in a dead alien dialect that was spoken on Mars in a mirror universe five billion years ago, EA will somehow know about it and not let you use it for gallery uploads.

    I also guess it is caused as is not EA/Maxis made, they use a 3rd party software for it
  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    I could bring up the story where I got the warning when I named a sim Anna-Lisa and when it went away when I renamed it to Anna Lisa.

    But yeah, the filter is really sensitive. Could it be twisted to a bad word? Yes? Warning!

    It's no big deal if you make sims/lots/rooms for your personal games...
  • atreya33's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    I just spent 10 minutes figuring out the forbidden word in a build and the word filter in my opinion is now officially ridiculous.

    I am playing the game in Dutch and am not allowed to say 'naar' which means 'to'. It took a while to figure out because I never considered the filter banning a basic preposition. Even six year olds are allowed to read texts saying someone moved to a new home (in dutch naar een nieuw huis) . But in discriptions for the sims 4 gallery I am obvioulsly not allowed to say a sim moved to a new world.

    The most irritating about this is that maxis doesn't comply to it's own rule. I found this because I wanted to save a maxis lot which I was editing and it was the default lot description put in by maxis that triggered the filter.
    Some of the offenders are
    - the strangerville library: English description 'where anyone can browse till their heart is content' which translates to 'waarin iedereen naar hartenlust in kan graven' and
    - an empty lot in glimmerbrook that says 'Maybe they vanished into some other dimension?' which translates to Wellicht verdwenen naar een andere dimensie?
    - the pub in henford on Bagley: description contains 'Head upstairs to watch a little football on the telly'. In Dutch this is 'Ga naar boven om een potje voetbal op televisie te kijken'
    Clearly banning basic words like propositions a ridiculous rule because even maxis can't make texts without basic vocabulary. So why impose this rule on players while they ignore it themselves.
  • Some completely common and normal Japanese surnames frequently get the "banned on gallery" response when you save the household in CAS because of sequences of letters in the middle of the name happen (by utter coincidence) to be the same as certain swear words in English. I have even seen it happen with names that the game itself assigned to a randomly generated sim. I recently made outfit edits to a randomly generated townie with the (game-assigned) surname Yamashita, and when I saved him, I was told he would not be allowed on the Gallery due to the description containing a banned word. It was definitely the surname. Changing it removed the warning.

    The filter is very badly done, because it searches for sequences of letters within larger names, words, or phrases that have nothing to do with the banned word.
  • Nope, but from what I have seen EA ban before that might be close enough. Thank you.
  • There was a post earlier in the year when it (the filter) had a hissy fit about the word "mayonnaise". It's completely worthless as a checking tool if it falls over on commonly used non-bawdy words like that. If the word you were using is "annus", which is really close to ... well, you know. Knock out one of those Ns and you're there. In this case I would have probably changed it to "annum" if you really had to have something latin in the description. Annum = "a year".

    Just FYI, the Queen (Lizzie of England) used the word you used in her annual speech back in 1992. Her horrible year.
  • GrumpyGlowfish's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Well, I know an Anna-Lisa in real life, and she’s quite the... female dog... so that’s probably why.
  • There's a Japanese mushroom variety with a name that causes people in high school to giggle.