Career reward traits:
Sickness Resistance (EP1) - trait_Doctor_SicknessResistant
Critically Connected (EP3) - trait_Hidden_Career_Critic_Thrifty
Master of the Sea (EP7) - trait_FriendOfTheSea
Natural Speaker (EP7) - trait_NaturalSpeaker
Champion of the People (EP9) - trait_ChampionOfThePeople
Eco-Engineer (EP9) - trait_EcoEngineer
Legendary Stamina (EP10) - trait_CorporateWorker_LegendaryStamina
Charismatic Crooner (EP10) - trait_CorporateWorker_CharismaticCrooner
Resourceful Repairer (EP15) - trait_Handyperson_GoldenWrench
Heart to Heart (EP16) - trait_HeartToHeart
Grim's Right Hand (EP17) - trait_ReaperCareer_DeathReward
After-School Activity reward traits:
Scouting Aptitude (EP5) - trait_ScoutingAptitude
Seasoned Gamer (EP8) - trait_SeasonedGamer
Mental Magister (EP8) - trait_Organizations_HonorSociety_Rank3
Cheer Champion (EP12) - trait_Reward_HSTeam_CheerTeam
Star Player (EP12) - trait_Reward_HSTeam_FootballTeam
Chess Master (EP12) - trait_Reward_HSTeam_ChessTeam
L33T Hacker (EP12) - trait_Reward_HSTeam_ComputerTeam
Skill Mastery Traits:
Chopstick Savvy (BG) - trait_ChopstickSavvy
Spice Hound (EP3) - trait_SpiceHound
Afizzionado (EP9) - trait_Fizzyhead
The Knowledge (EP12) - trait_Entrepreneur_TheKnowledge
Authentic Prankster (EP12) - trait_TeenPranks_Prankster