Fear of Being Cheated On (BG) - trait_Fear_BeingCheatedOn
Fear of Being Judged (BG) - trait_Fear_BeingJudged
Fear of Cowplants (BG) - trait_Fear_Cowplant
Fear of Crowded Places (BG) - trait_Fear_CrowdedPlaces
Fear of Dead-End Job (BG) - trait_Fear_DeadEndJob
Fear of Death (BG) - trait_Fear_Death
Fear of Failure (BG) - trait_Fear_Failure
Fear of Fire (BG) - trait_Fear_Fire
Fear of Ghost (BG) - trait_Fear_Ghosts
Fear of Swimming (BG) - trait_Fear_Swimming
Fear of The Dark (BG) - trait_Fear_Dark
Fear of Unfulfilled Dreams (BG) - trait_Fear_Unfulfilled
Fear of Disappointing Parents (EP12) - Trait_Fear_DisappointingParents
Fear of Failing After-School Activities (EP12) - Trait_Fear_Failing_AfterSchoolActivities
Fear of Failing Classes (EP12) - Trait_Fear_Failing_Class
Fear of Failing Tests (EP12) - Trait_Fear_Failing_Tests
Fear of Homework (EP12) - Trait_Fear_Homework
Fear of Being Inferior (EP13) - trait_Fear_Inferior
Fear of Horses (EP14) - trait_Fear_Horses
After talking about the fear: trait_Fear_Horses_Progress
Fear of Eviction (EP15) - trait_Fear_Eviction
Fear of Being Alone (EP16) - trait_Fear_BeingAlone
Fear of Intimacy (EP16) - trait_Fear_Intimacy
Temporary Genius (EP1) - trait_FakeGenius
Evil (EP5) - trait_Evil_BegoniaScent
Night Owl (EP6) - trait_CrystalHelmet_Nitelite_EP
Mystical Sensing (EP6) - trait_CrystalHelmet_Alexandrite_EP
Infected (GP7) - trait_Strangerville_Infected
Grief: (All Life and Death)
Anger Grief - trait_Grief_Anger
Blues Grief - trait_Grief_Depression
Denial Grief - trait_Grief_Denial
Holding It Together - trait_Grief_HoldTogether