12 months agoHero
Love triangles
Tell me about your love triangles and how (if) you resolved them!
I’m not normally into infidelity stories, especially not with my Detroit sims, whose relationships I curate and protect with an iron fist. In the Star Wars save I’m currently immersed in I’m more lenient and so this happened:
I created a household of five sims that go on adventures together. The leftmost sims, Finn and Poe, are in a relationship, but not yet engaged. The middle sim, Armitage, is the group’s sponsor. The others don’t like him and he can’t stand them, but they have a shared goal, he has the money and they the skills.
Armitage is Unflirty, but it so happened that when I write the captions for my screenshots, I tend to give Armitage and Poe dialogue that comes dangerously close to flirting. None of that translated back into the game…
…but I still felt the need to shoot a short scene about Finn and Armitage discussing the situation.
They sat together and chatted for a while, and this chat resulted in an “Absolute adoration” sentiment for Armitage about Finn. The tooltip also said “Armitage wants only the best for Finn”, so, problem solved? The unflirty sim, who now feels protective over Finn, would never steal that one’s boyfriend, right?
“Hold my beer”, said the game.
Yesterday the group was at George Cahill’s fortress in Strangerville, where he served them breakfast and wine to celebrate their first foray into crater lab. So far, so well, but suddenly Finn got a Flirty moodlet from being close to Poe.
Hey, great, maybe I can have them exchange engagement rings now?
What actually happened was that Finn autonomously flirted with Armitage. And to add insult to injury, Armitage accepted (probably because of his sentiment). He got tense from that (it’s actually really cute how unflirty sims struggle with their own feelings like this), but the moodlet explicitly stated that this came “from a succesful flirt with an unflirty sim”. They have a romance bar now, and a pretty strong one for a single flirt, too!
Well, Poe is hot-headed, so I decided he’d challenge Armitage to a heated duel (“But Finn started!” – Only because you EXIST!”).
During this duel one of the onlookers, Rose, got almost hurt – sims move around a lot during those lightsaber fights, so I should have seen it coming and positioned the audience in a larger distance.
Look at them, locked like this – Poe’s blade almost goes through Rose’s shoulder. Armitage is blocking, but the moment he falters, BOTH their blades will hit Rose. (And neither of them is actually force sensitive, so they don’t even have a real idea where exactly their weightless blades are at any given moment.)
And Rose in turn is Dazed/tipsy, so she’s not even realizing what’s going on.
So where will they go from here?
At the very least I’ll change Armitage’s Unflirty trait to Proper – he’s warming up to the idea of intimacy.
And with all of this, I haven’t even mentioned that according to their backstories, Rose used to have feelings for Finn and Finn for Rey (rightmost sim in the first screenshot), or that Rey is in a “will they or will they not” relationship with Armitage’s rival, Ben, who recently joined the household. (Poor Ben falls from one temper tantrum into the next with the other five's antics).
I’m not normally into infidelity stories, especially not with my Detroit sims, whose relationships I curate and protect with an iron fist. In the Star Wars save I’m currently immersed in I’m more lenient and so this happened:
I created a household of five sims that go on adventures together. The leftmost sims, Finn and Poe, are in a relationship, but not yet engaged. The middle sim, Armitage, is the group’s sponsor. The others don’t like him and he can’t stand them, but they have a shared goal, he has the money and they the skills.
Armitage is Unflirty, but it so happened that when I write the captions for my screenshots, I tend to give Armitage and Poe dialogue that comes dangerously close to flirting. None of that translated back into the game…
…but I still felt the need to shoot a short scene about Finn and Armitage discussing the situation.
They sat together and chatted for a while, and this chat resulted in an “Absolute adoration” sentiment for Armitage about Finn. The tooltip also said “Armitage wants only the best for Finn”, so, problem solved? The unflirty sim, who now feels protective over Finn, would never steal that one’s boyfriend, right?
“Hold my beer”, said the game.
Yesterday the group was at George Cahill’s fortress in Strangerville, where he served them breakfast and wine to celebrate their first foray into crater lab. So far, so well, but suddenly Finn got a Flirty moodlet from being close to Poe.
Hey, great, maybe I can have them exchange engagement rings now?
What actually happened was that Finn autonomously flirted with Armitage. And to add insult to injury, Armitage accepted (probably because of his sentiment). He got tense from that (it’s actually really cute how unflirty sims struggle with their own feelings like this), but the moodlet explicitly stated that this came “from a succesful flirt with an unflirty sim”. They have a romance bar now, and a pretty strong one for a single flirt, too!
Well, Poe is hot-headed, so I decided he’d challenge Armitage to a heated duel (“But Finn started!” – Only because you EXIST!”).
During this duel one of the onlookers, Rose, got almost hurt – sims move around a lot during those lightsaber fights, so I should have seen it coming and positioned the audience in a larger distance.
Look at them, locked like this – Poe’s blade almost goes through Rose’s shoulder. Armitage is blocking, but the moment he falters, BOTH their blades will hit Rose. (And neither of them is actually force sensitive, so they don’t even have a real idea where exactly their weightless blades are at any given moment.)
And Rose in turn is Dazed/tipsy, so she’s not even realizing what’s going on.
So where will they go from here?
At the very least I’ll change Armitage’s Unflirty trait to Proper – he’s warming up to the idea of intimacy.
And with all of this, I haven’t even mentioned that according to their backstories, Rose used to have feelings for Finn and Finn for Rey (rightmost sim in the first screenshot), or that Rey is in a “will they or will they not” relationship with Armitage’s rival, Ben, who recently joined the household. (Poor Ben falls from one temper tantrum into the next with the other five's antics).