9 years ago
"Marrying a sim in your employ would be innapropriate"
"...Dismiss them from their role to further pursue a relationship." Is what came up when I tried to propose. Turns out my boyfriend isa mail carrier and im a writer, theres a conflict of interest. Ive never seen this before! Breaks the immersion when I have to go to household management to make him quit his job. :neutral:
Why even enforce this? If i wanted to marry him so I could keep selling 'bestsellers' (honestly, I love him for his personality! :p ) the game wouldnt let me. Does a romantic relationship actually affect the writing career? Hes not even the sim that delivers my mail.
Why even enforce this? If i wanted to marry him so I could keep selling 'bestsellers' (honestly, I love him for his personality! :p ) the game wouldnt let me. Does a romantic relationship actually affect the writing career? Hes not even the sim that delivers my mail.