Forum Discussion

goblinslayer82's avatar
4 years ago

Most overrated community request?

So, there's a lot of wishes and demands from the community about what they want to see next. What do you think is the most overrated request? Or something you just don't care for but everyone else seems to want with a dying passion.

I've avoided putting in options such as better skin tones/fixed skin tones, because some need fixing and it shouldn't be classed as an overrated request. If you really think it is just chose other and state why.

Also I'm not stating all of the options I put down are overrated, I just put in topics / requests that are quite popular / controversial. Feel free to explain your reasoning in the comments

EDIT: DON'T ATTACK OTHERS FOR THEIR OPINIONS. You can disagree and debate sure but don't be like "wow you're a cactus!"

74 Replies