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Taiya_Dordala's avatar
Rising Vanguard
2 years ago

{Kit Concepts - Community Help Requested} Jedi: Survivor Kit Concepts

Hey, can't wait to see Cal Kestis and his friends (and enemies). Kinda confused why they got left being by this Sith fleet stuff (not that I'm exactly complaining, we sure need some more ships out there). As a huge fan of the Star Wars Jedi games, however, I simply can't let this go by lol. Anyone wanna help me out finishing, revising and maybe rethinking these kits?
(Question to mods, admins, managers and whatnot: should I delete the older, very similar posts about this that are in General Discussion?)

Cal Kestis (Survivor)/Jedi Knight Cal

“{insert name}” (Unique); Cal Kestis (Survivor) has +20% Counter Chance, Potency and Defense Penetration. For each debuff on him, Cal Kestis (Survivor) has +15% Defense and +10% Health Steal. If the enemy Leader is Dark Side Unaligned Force User at the start of an encounter, enemies have -50 Speed and -15% Potency. At the end of his turn, Cal Kestis (Survivor) dispels up to 3 debuffs from himself and grants a random ally Tenacity Up for 2 turns if this dispel removes all debuffs from him
Dark Side Unaligned Force User enemies’ Unique abilities are ignored while they have Ability Block or Vulnerable. For each Light Side Scoundrel ally, Cal Kestis (Survivor) has +15% Offense. For each Jedi ally, Cal Kestis (Survivor) has +15% Critical Avoidance. For each Unaligned Force User ally, Cal Kestis (Survivor) has +10% Max Health.
If all allies are Light Side at the start of battle, Cal Kestis (Survivor) takes a bonus turn at the beginning of each encounter and whenever an ally is defeated.
“Stand Against the Darkness” (Leader); Light Side Scoundrels, Light Side Unaligned Force Users and Jedi have +15% Max Health and Critical Damage for each other Light Side Scoundrel, Light Side Unaligned Force User and Jedi ally.
Empire enemies have -30% Max Protection and Dark Side Unaligned Force User enemies have -30% Counter Chance and Critical Damage.
Light Side Scoundrel allies have +5% Critical Chance and +2% Evasion for each active enemy and defeated ally and gain Advantage for 2 turns whenever they Evade or are Evaded.
Light Side Unaligned Force User allies have +10% Speed and Offense for each active ally and defeated enemy and cannot be Critically Hit while they have more than 25% Protection.
Jedi allies have +35% Critical Damage and 15% Counter Chance for each defeated ally and gain the new Special ability, There Is Only the Force.
“There Is Only the Force” (Special); Cooldown of 4; Inflict the target enemy and one random other enemy without Protection with Ability Block and Vulnerable for 2 turns. This cannot be Resisted by enemies that are not Jedi, Sith, or Unaligned Force User. Then, all Light Side allies gain +1% Mastery (stacking) for the rest of battle, doubled for Jedi.
“Crossguard Lightsaber” (Basic); Deal Physical Damage 3 times and Stun the target enemy for 1 turn. If the target enemy has Vulnerable, this attack cannot be resisted. If the target enemy has Armor Shred, this attack cannot be countered.
“Sundering Strike” (Special); Cooldown of 3; Deal Physical Damage to the target enemy and inflict Armor Shred for the rest of battle. If this attack scores a Critical Hit, Cal Kestis (Survivor) gains +10% Speed (stacking) and the target enemy loses 20% Max Protection (stacking) for the rest of the encounter. Grant a random other ally 30% turn-meter; if Cal Kestis (Survivor) is the only active ally, instead he gains Advantage for 2 turns.
“Cal and BD” (Special); Cooldown of 6; Deal Physical Damage to the target enemy and inflict a random enemy with Target Lock for 2 turns. If the target enemy has Vulnerable or Armor Shred, this attack has a 60% chance to ignore the target enemy’s Protection and instead deal 35% more damage if the target enemy is without Protection. Reduce the cooldown of this ability by 1 whenever Cal Kestis (Survivor) uses his Basic ability, and Cal Kestis (Survivor) has +25% Critical Chance and Critical Damage against Target-Locked enemies.
“Dark Grasp” (Special); Cooldown of 4; Deal Special Damage to the target enemy and remove 100% turn-meter from them, which cannot be resisted. Inflict 3 stacks of Damage Over Time for 2 turns, the application of each stack gaining 25% bonus Potency for each previous stack that was resisted. Cal Kestis (Survivor) then gains Offense Up and Critical Damage Up for 2 turns.

This one's fairly complete imo but if others have different ideas, I'd be happy to hear them (for example, I had the idea of Cal using different stances with Specials but I feel like we should hold off on that until the 3rd installment when --maybe-- Cal moves thru stances more fluidly). I'm hoping to see what the community thinks these kits should look like and think it'd be fun to figure out some kits as a group. Have a great day, y'all.

8 Replies

  • Merrin, The Desert Ghost

    “{insert name}” (Unique); Whenever Merrin, the Desert Ghost would gain Foresight and already has it, if she does not have Stealth, she gains Evasion Up and Taunt for 2 turns, otherwise she gains Evasion Up and Offense Up for 2 turns.
    Merrin, the Desert Ghost has +40% Critical Avoidance and Counter Chance while she does not have Foresight. While she has Foresight, Merrin the Desert Ghost also has +40% Tenacity and Critical Damage. Whenever any character is defeated, Merrin the Desert Ghost gains Foresight for 2 turns.
    Zeta: Whenever any character is defeated, Merrin the Desert Ghost recovers 20% Health, Protection, and turn-meter and gains +1% Speed (stacking) for the rest of battle. If Cal Kestis (Survivor) is an ally, he gains +40% Critical Avoidance and Counter Chance.
    “{insert name}" (Basic); Deal Special Damage to the target enemy 3 times and inflict Offense Down for 2 turns with a 70% chance to inflict Vulnerable for 1 turn on a Critical Hit. Merrin, the Desert Ghost then gains 30% turn-meter and if it is her turn, target ally also gains 30% turn-meter. If Merrin targets herself, the Weakest other ally gains Foresight for 2 turns.
    “There Is No Escape from My Power” (Special); Cooldown of 4; Dispel all buffs on all enemies, then remove 100% turn-meter from the target enemy, which cannot be resisted and inflict Magick Bound for 1 turn, which cannot be resisted, prevented, copied or dispelled.
    On Raid Bosses and Galactic Legends: Dispel all buffs from all enemies, remove 35% turn-meter which cannot be resisted or prevented, and inflict Magick Bound for 1 turn, which cannot be resisted, prevented, copied or dispelled.
    Magick Bound on characters: -75% Speed, Defense and Critical Avoidance. Cannot gain bonus turns or bonus turn-meter, has -50% Counter Chance and deals 75% less damage when attacking out of turn.
    Magick Bound on Raid Bosses and Galactic Legends: -40% Speed and Critical Avoidance and deals 50% less damage when attacking out of turn. Cannot gain bonus turns or bonus turn-meter.
    “{insert name}” (Special); Cooldown of 3; Merrin, the Desert Ghost gains Stealth and Foresight for 3 turns. While she has Stealth, she has +50% Evasion and Accuracy and her Critical Hits consume Stealth to deal 50% more damage and gain +5% Critical Damage (stacking) for the rest of battle. If Merrin, the Desert Ghost defeats an enemy with an attack consuming her Stealth, reduce all enemy Tenacity and Critical Avoidance by 10% (stacking) for the rest of the encounter.

    Now *this* one needs a little more work than the first.
  • Dagan Gera
    Note: I would think Dagan Gera should be a more hard-earned Journey character like the Grand Inquisitor (but also, the Grand Inquisitor having greater requirements and being more powerful than Jedi Knight Cal is ridiculous).

    “I Am Free” (Unique); Dagan Gera gains 25% Max Health and 15% Defense for each defeated ally or empty ally slot. Additionally, whenever an enemy becomes Staggered Dagan has an 80% chance to use “Sever the Past” against them. If Dagan is the only active ally at the start of battle, he gains 50% Turn Meter. Dagan has +20% Health Steal and gains bonus Offense equal to 20% of his current Potency.
    “{WIP: Powerful Illusions}” (Unique); Dagan Gera gains +15% Critical Chance, +25% Potency, and +15 Speed for each Jedi enemy. If there are no Jedi enemies at the start of battle, Dagan gains these bonuses for each Empire and Unaligned Force User enemy instead.
    Whenever Dagan Gera uses the special ability “Tanalorr is Mine,” all enemies are inflicted with 1 stack of Confusion for 2 turns. Dagan’s Force Projections have +50% Offense and +25% Speed.
    Omicron Upgrade: Dagan Gera gains the unique ability "Tanalorr is Mine" regardless of whether Cal Kestis is on the enemy team. Whenever Dagan Gera uses the special ability "Tanalorr is Mine," all enemies are inflicted with two stacks of Confusion and Daze for 2 turns. Dagan’s Force Projections have +100% Offense and +50% Speed.
    “Sever the Past” (Basic); Deal Physical Damage 4 times to the target enemy. If it is Dagan’s turn, inflict Stagger for 1 turn. Then, he gains 8% turn-meter for each defeated ally or vacant ally slot and each active Jedi enemy, halved when attacking out of turn. If Dagan is the only active ally, gain Offense Up for 2 turns. If there are any Jedi enemies, gain Defense Penetration Up for 2 turns.
    “Is That All?” (Special); Cooldown of 3; Deal Special Damage to the target enemy and inflict Ability Block and Offense Down for 2 turns. Stun a random enemy that is neither Jedi nor Sith for 1 turn and dispel all debuffs from Dagan Gera. This attack has +35% Potency and cannot be countered or evaded.
    “Witness True Power” (Special); Cooldown of 4; Deal Physical Damage to the target enemy, then Special Damage to all enemies. Expose up to 3 random enemies for 2 turns and gain Critical Hit Immunity for 2 turns. If the target enemy is a Jedi, they suffer 35% more damage from each attack, and all Jedi enemies are inflicted with Marked for 2 turns.
    “Tanalorr Is Mine” (Special); Cooldown of 6; This ability starts on cooldown and may only be used if any Cal Kestis is an active enemy. Summon up to 3 Force Projections to available slots and grant them Taunt for 2 turns.
    While any Force Projections are active, Dagan gains the following effects.
    Dagan’s Speed is set to 0.
    Dagan has +10% Evasion and cannot be Critically Hit.
    Dagan has +50% Defense and Tenacity.
    Dagan gains +10% Critical Damage (stacking) per enemy turn that Dagan Gera is not damaged.
    If Dagan Gera is Critically Hit while any Force Projections are active, Instant Defeat all Force Projections, recover 20% Protection and gain 75% turn-meter.
    If Dagan Gera has not been attacked when all Force Projections are defeated, he gains a bonus turn. On this bonus turn, he has +50% Offense and Critical Chance.

    Force Projection:

    “Summoned” (Unique); { }
    “Illusion” (Unique); The Force Projection is Immune to Instant Defeat Immunity and Instantly Defeats itself at the end of its 3rd turn or when Dagan Gera is defeated. For each other Force Projection, lose 5% Speed but gain +5% Evasion and +10% Offense.
    “{insert name}” (Basic); Deal Special Damage to the target enemy and inflict Speed Down for 2 turns.
    “{insert name}” (Special); Cooldown of 2; This ability starts on cooldown. Deal Special Damage to the target enemy 3 times and inflict Stagger for 1 turn.

    This one's in need of some finetuning.

    Edited and revised taking inspiration from @rdtfjgyjgvm's suggestions.
  • Rayvis
    Note: I would think Rayvis should be a Journey character like Mando (Beskar) with similar requirements to Jedi Knight Cal. Definitely want to make Rayvis seem almost impossible to kill with kill-restrictions and heal over time, more to the cinematic side of Cal’s visible attempts not to despair at a seemingly unkillable enemy than to the gameplay side where Rayvis just falls over dead if you ask him to.

    “The Gen’Dai” (Unique); Rayvis recovers 2% Health for each buff on him at the start of each turn. Whenever Rayvis is Critically Hit or Critically Hits an enemy, he gains Protection Up (15%, stacking) for 1 turn. Whenever allied Dagan Gera is Critically Hit, Rayvis Taunts for 2 turns and whenever any ally falls below 50% Health he gains Speed Up for 2 turns.
    Whenever Rayvis would be defeated by a Basic ability that did not Critically Hit or by an attack that is not targeting Rayvis, his Health is set to 1% but his Max Health is reduced by 10% (stacking to -50% Max Health) for the rest of the encounter. While Rayvis is below 50% Health, he has +10% Offense and Defense for each defeated ally or empty ally slot and +5% Health Steal, Tenacity and Potency for each active enemy.
    “Honor-Bound” (Leader); Bedlam Raider allies have +40% Defense and +15% Offense, Defense Penetration and Critical Damage. Droid allies have +15% Potency and Tenacity, doubled for Bedlam Raider Droids. Whenever a Bedlam Raider ally is Critically Hit, they have a 50% chance to gain Defense Up for 2 turns.
    “{insert name}” (Basic); Deal Physical Damage to the target enemy and gain 1 stack of Heal Over Time (10%) for 1 turn. On a Critical Hit, instead gain Heal Over Time (10%) for 2 turns and Daze the target enemy for 2 turns. This attack ignores enemy Defense.
    “I Owe You Nothing” (Special); Cooldown of 3; Deal Physical Damage to the target enemy and inflict Healing Immunity for 2 turns. If Rayvis is the only active ally or Rayvis and Dagan Gera are the only active allies, also inflict Ability Block and Stagger for 1 turn.
    “{insert name}” (Special); Cooldown of _;

    This one also needs a lotta work.
  • All great ideas! Yes, I agree it's unlikely to see a full Bedlam Raider team but still we can hope lol.
    I would like to figure out implementing Dagan's projection ability and love many of your ideas you put into them but can't say I agree with all of it, such as the health and protection recovery. It could also be that Dagan summons just one projection for simplicity, or one in every empty ally slot? And then Dagan gains Stealth and/or they gain Taunt for 1 turn (not 2 turns because in Survivor, Dagan didn't take long to then strike again himself if you were slow to take out the projections). Mind if I merge some of your ideas to the original Dagan post? I might remove the leader ability, might not, idk. But thanks for the feedback and really well thought out ideas.
  • This is mostly for fun, I don't expect it to make its way into the game at all. BUT, with this kit I would also like to petition for a simple resolution to the terrible mistake of not giving Jedi Knight Cal Kestis at least the Rebel tag, being as much a Rebel as anyone else, more so than characters like say, Stormtrooper Han (who everyone knows hadn’t joined the cause yet... and he's not the only one... just saying…). But anyway, back to the actual kit, lol

    Cal Kestis (Fallen)
    Description: {This is Cal Kestis when he turns to the Dark Side during the Jedi: Survivor story’s climax and his vengeful pursuits of Bode across Jedha, Nova Garon and Tanalorr. I’m uncertain whether he should have the Dark Side or Light Side tag or whether he should be Jedi or Unaligned Force User but otherwise am fairly comfortable with everything and how the kit came out}

    “Embrace The Darkness” (Unique); At the start of each encounter, Stun all enemies for 1 turn. Whenever any ally is defeated, Cal Kestis (Fallen) gains 3 stacks of Anguish and whenever he loses all Protection or falls below 40% Health he gains 1 stack. For every stack of Anguish on Cal Kestis (Fallen), he gains 5% turn-meter whenever an enemy that has defeated an ally this encounter takes their turn. Whenever Cal Kestis (Fallen) takes damage, he gains +10% Defense Penetration and Critical Damage (stacking) until the end of his next turn.
    At 2 stacks of Anguish, Cal Kestis (Fallen) has +25% Critical Damage and attacks that score a Critical Hit have +25% Potency. Additionally, he is Immune to Stun and Fear.
    At 3 stacks of Anguish, Cal Kestis (Fallen) ignores enemy Protection.
    At 5 stacks of Anguish, Cal Kestis (Fallen) always scores a Critical Hit when able.
    Zeta Upgrade: At the start of each encounter, Stun all enemies for 2 turns. At 3 stacks of Anguish, Cal Kestis (Fallen) ignores enemy Protection and dispels all buffs from enemies at the start of his turn. At 5 stacks of Anguish, Cal Kestis (Fallen) always scores a Critical Hit when able and he is reduced to 1% Health instead of being defeated (once per encounter).
    “{insert name}” (Basic); Deal Special Damage to the target enemy and a random other enemy. These attacks cannot be countered, and the target enemy is inflicted with Healing Immunity for 2 turns. Gain 10% turn-meter for each active enemy.
    Omicron Upgrade: While in Territory Battles, if Cal Kestis (Fallen) has 3 or more stacks of Anguish, instead (of turn-meter gain per enemy) gain a bonus turn. This attack deals double damage and reduces his cooldowns by 1 if Cal Kestis (Fallen) has 5 stacks of Anguish.
    “Crimson Storm” (Special); Cooldown of 3; Deal Special Damage to all enemies. This attack deals 50% more damage for each stack of Anguish and removes 40% turn-meter from all enemies, removing double the turn-meter from Critically Hit enemies. Cal Kestis (Fallen) gains 10% of the total turn-meter removed. Then, lose 1 stack of Anguish.
    This attack can’t be used unless Cal Kestis (Fallen) has Anguish.
    Zeta Upgrade: This attack deals an additional 50% more damage for each stack of Anguish.
    Omicron: while in Territory Battles, this attack cannot be evaded, ignores enemy Defense, and inflicts Tenacity Down and Defense Down for 2 turns on all enemies, which cannot be Resisted.
    “Dark Grasp” (Special); Cooldown of 4; Deal Special Damage to the target enemy, remove 100% turn-meter from them and Stun them for 1 turn. Then, increase their cooldowns by 1 and inflict 3 stacks of Damage Over Time for 2 turns. Cal Kestis (Fallen) then gains Critical Damage Up for 2 turns. Then, lose 1 stack of Anguish.
    This attack can’t be used unless Cal Kestis (Fallen) has 3 or more stacks of Anguish.
    Zeta Upgrade: The application of each negative effect from this ability gains 25% bonus Potency for each of the negative effects the target enemy resists this turn.
  • Alright, again thank you for your feedback, very interesting stuff. I made several adjustments and add-ons to my original post and am considering doing something about the idea of Dagan gaining stacks of Tanalorr, I think that could work too I'm just not ready to work it into the post yet.
  • "Zombefyer;c-2430419" wrote:
    Dagan Gera will be able to single-handedly take on any opponent

    One-on-one, yes Dagan would be able to defeat a great many of the in-game characters. Galactic Legends? Absolutely not. Grand Inquisitor? They're probably equals I would say, especially with GI's leader ability. And Dagan was intentionally left vulnerable to Instant Defeats, Massive Damage, Fear, Stun, etc unlike many newer characters so that he is powerful but vulnerable to attack when he's not shielding himself thru his projections and massive offensive capability.

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