Forum Discussion
Self-Discovery system
What is Self-Discovery system? It's a system which add new personality traits to young adult and older sims. Young adult and older sims can have a maximum of 6 personality traits. If self-discovery moments come to younger sims or pets, decline them.
Most of the self-discovery moments come from Growing Together. A few special cases won't require the pack.
Each trait is put in one of the categories which the game tracks. Some categories categories have maximum and minimum values while others only have a maximum value. Once a certain threshold is met, the game will either:
- Suggest your sim a random trait from the category.
- If one of sim's traits is in the category but in the opposite value, a trait replacement is suggested.
- If sim already has a trait from the category and in the same value, nothing happens.
Sims can have up to three self-discovery moments in their life. Declining a trait suggestion won't count towards the limit. Using a Re-Traiting potion will remove the extra traits (unclear if it resets the counter though).
Here is each category. Under each category I'll show what traits are associated with it and include additional posts on the message and interaction that help towards it. If it's a category with minimum and maximum values, I will use + and - symbols to indicate it (+ can replace - and vice versa).
- Active
- Active
- Lazy
- Ambition
- Ambitious
- Overachiever
- Self-Assured
- Chased by Death
- Animal
- Animal Enthusiast
- Cat Lover
- Dog Lover
- Creative
- Art Lover
- Creative
- Maker
- Music Lover
- Critic
- Foodie
- Economy
- Freegan
- Kleptomaniac
- Materialistic
- Family
- Family-Oriented
- Hates Children
- Fragile
- Squeamish
- Green
- Green Fiend
- Recycle Disciple
- Hygiene
- Neat
- Slob
- Islander
- Child of the Islands
- Child of the Ocean
- Jealous
- Jealous
- Metabolism
- Glutton
- Lactose Intolerant
- Vegetarian
- Mood
- Cheerful
- Gloomy
- Hot-Headed
- Outdoorsy
- Loves Outdoors
- Adventurous
- Party
- Dance Machine
- Party Animal
- Relationship
- Loyal
- Noncommittal
- Romance
- Romantic
- Lovebug
- Unflirty
- Romantically Reserved
- Scared
- Erratic
- Paranoid
- Silly
- Childish
- Goofball
- Cringe
- Skill
- Clumsy
- Perfectionist
- Smart
- Bookworm
- Genius
- Snob
- High Maintenance
- Self-Absorbed
- Snob
- Skeptical
- Social
- Bro
- Insider
- Nosy
- Loner
- Outgoing
- Socially Awkward
- Tech
- Geek
- Virtues
- Evil
- Good
- Mean
- Proper
- Generous
- NeighborTraits
- Wise
- Lawfulness
- Idealist
- Shady
- EgonVM5 months agoSeasoned Ace
It tracks how much active activities your sim does and how much they miss work.
This is a min/max value category, including these traits:
- Active +
- Lazy -
More info:- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Potential Interactions
+ Interactions
- Training on treadmills
- Boxing with punching bags
- Working out with Workout machines
- Exploring/Working out with Rocket Ships
- Jogging
- Swimming (Doesn't count if your sim is a mermaid)
- Bowling
- Playing Basketball
- Using rock climbing treadmill.
- Playing with Football
- Doing Yoga
- Riding an AquaZip
- Juggling a Soccer Ball
- Skating
- Riding a Bike
- Special dances (Selvadorada, Tomarani dance, Macabre dance)
- Interactions
- Missing work
- Napping during daytime
- Being seated while having Sedentary lifestyle.
- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Suggestion messages
[Sim Name] has been really Active lately and loves it! Being in motion is starting to feel like a core part of them!
When replacing Lazy trait:
[Sim Name] has been a lot more Active lately. Could they be kicking the Lazy bug to the curb and living a more energetic lifestyle?
[Sim Name] has been feeling Lazy more and more lately. Their desire to watch TV more and take day naps is increasing daily.
When replacing Active trait:
[Sim Name] hasn't been feeling very Active lately. [Sim Name]'s been spending time either missing work or being Lazy around the house.
- EgonVM5 months agoSeasoned Ace
It tracks how much your sim wins, uses a mirror, and career successes.
This is a one-value category, including these traits:
- Ambitious
- Overachiever
- Self-Assured
- Chased by Death
More info:- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Potential Interactions
Special Triggers
Chased by Death suggestion can come up when your sim either asks Grim to check his Sablet of Souls or respond “I’m scared!” to the phone call telling your sim that in the caller's dream, Grim was checking his Sablet and looking at your sim.
The chance of it being suggested afterwards is 80%. Clumsy, Macabre, and Adventurous sims have higher chance of being suggested it. This suggestion will not be blocked off by other Ambition traits and having reached the max self-discovery moments.Note. Chased by Death won't block out other Ambition trait self-discovery moments. In fact, it speeds up the tracker, making these sims more likely to have a self-discovery moments for Ambitious, Over-Achiever, and Self-Assured.
Related Interactions
- Mirror interactions (Admiring self, Psyching self up, Practicing Speech or Debate etc)
- Vain Street celebrity quirk interactions
- Negotiating a promotion
- Asking for a higher grade from a professor.
- Progressing in The Brainiacs student organization.
- Placing in top 3 in the Finchwick Fair.
- Winning against other sims (in chess, cards, video games, magic duels etc).
- Having reached max career level
- Graduating the University
- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Suggestion messages
[Sim Name] has been feeling really confident and successful lately. Their new drive is to be more Ambitious!
[Sim Name] has been feeling successful lately and wants to keep it that way, even if that means being an Overachiever.
[Sim Name] has been feeling really confident and Self-Assured lately. [Sim Name] is ready to go out and tackle anything!
Chased by Death
[Sim Name] has the eerie feeling that the end is near. Should they embrace their inevitable early demise and add the Chased by Death Trait?
- EgonVM5 months agoSeasoned Ace
It tracks how much does your sim spends time with animals.
This is a one-value category, including these traits:
- Animal Enthusiast
- Cat Lover
- Dog Lover
More info:- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Potential Interactions
If your sim has recently interacted with a cat, they can't get a self-discovery moment for Dog Lover and vice versa. Animal Lover trait can also be suggested in both of these case.
- Interacting with pets
- Teaching dogs tricks (More effective if the dog is not in the household)
- Befriending rabbits or birds
- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Suggestion messages
Animal Enthusiast
[Sim Name] enjoys spending time with their fuzzy pals and wants to take it to the next level as an Animal Enthusiast!
Cat Lover
[Sim Name] enjoys spending time with their fuzzy pals and wants to take it to the next level as an obsessed Cat Lover!
Dog Lover
[Sim Name] enjoys spending time with their fuzzy pals and wants to take it to the next level as an obsessed Dog Lover!
- EgonVM5 months agoSeasoned Ace
It tracks how much the sim engages in creative activities like painting or listening to music.
This is a one-value category, including these traits:
- Art Lover
- Creative
- Maker
- Music Lover
More info:- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Potential Interactions
- Crafting an excellent object
- Painting a masterpiece
- Completing Freelancer gigs
- Painting (making Mathematical diagrams also count)
- Writing (practicing, writing books etc)
- Playing instruments (piano, guitar, violin, pipe organ)
- Listening to music
- Knitting and Cross-stitching
- Mixing in the DJ booth
- Watching performances
- Singing
- Painting murals
- Candlemaking
- Attending music festivals
- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Suggestion messages
Art Lover
[Sim Name] has been feeling the creative itch these days. So much so that [Sim Name]'s been inspired to become an Art Lover.
[Sim Name] has been feeling really Creative lately. It is starting to become a strong passion for their in life.
[Sim Name] has been feeling the creative itch these days. [Sim Name] is inspired to become a Maker and craft things.
Music Lover
[Sim Name] has been feeling the creative itch these days. So much so that [Sim Name]'s been inspired to become a Music Lover.
- EgonVM5 months agoSeasoned Ace
It tracks how much excellent food your sim eats, how much they read cookbooks, and how much they go on culinary adventures.
This is a one-value category, including this trait:
- Foodie
More info:- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Potential Interactions
- Reading Cooking books
- Eating Excellent food
- Trying out Experimental food
- Eating food while having the Blessing of Glorious Tastes (Comes from dispelling a Food Mirage Curse)
- Giving Cooking Tips and Sharing Cooking Secrets
- Winning a Curry Contest
- Having a grand meal
- Researching Cooking Techniques
- Improving Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, or Baking skills.
- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Suggestion messages
[Sim Name] is appreciating good food even more these days. Should they savor the moment and become an official Foodie?
- EgonVM5 months agoSeasoned Ace
This tracks how much money they make or spend and if they haggle.
This is a min/max value category, including these traits:
- Kleptomaniac +
- Materialistic +
- Freegan -
More info:- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Potential Interactions
+ Interactions
- Completing Freelancer gigs or Odd Jobs
- Buying artwork worth over 500 Simoleons
- Having a Money Tree
- Interactions
- Haggling in Flea Markets
- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Suggestion messages
[Sim Name] seems to enjoy money and expensive artwork lately. Becoming a Kleptomaniac might make it easier to get...
When replacing Freegan trait:
[Sim Name] is starting to like expensive things or making quick simoleons. 'Borrowing' things as a Kleptomaniac might just be more lucrative than being a Freegan.
[Sim Name] seems to enjoy money and expensive artwork lately. A Materialistic lifestyle is luxurious but expensive!
When replacing Freegan trait:
[Sim Name] is starting to like expensive things or making quick simoleons. Is [Sim Name] becoming Materialistic and forgoing the Freegan moral code?
[Sim Name] appears to be living a more Freegan lifestyle these days. [Sim Name]'s opting for things that reduce waste.
When replacing Kleptomaniac trait:
[Sim Name] wonders if it's time to shed their Kleptomaniac 'borrowing' ways in place of a more socially-acceptable thrifty Freegan approach.
When replacing Materialistic trait:
[Sim Name] appears to be shedding their Materialistic ways and living a more thrifty Freegan lifestyle.
- EgonVM5 months agoSeasoned Ace
This tracks how much sim spends time with their family and making one, while reducing each time your sim is mean to a child or toddler.
This is a min/max value category, including these traits:
- Family-Oriented +
- Hates Children -
More info:- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Potential Interactions
+ Interactions
- Attending family member's birthday party
- Interacting with a family member (large families help more towards the self-discovery)
- Getting engaged
- Getting married or renewing vows.
- Having a baby or adopting.
- Having family stay over
- Having a Family Reunion
- Improving Parenting skill
- Interactions
- Being mean to a child or a toddler.
- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Suggestion messages
[Sim Name] has enjoyed spending time with family recently. It's become very important for them to bond with their family.
When replacing Hates Children trait:
Hates Children might be a stronger feeling than originally thought. In fact, [Sim Name] is starting to feel really Family-Oriented lately.
Hates Children
[Sim Name] has been really mean to children lately. Is it an off-day or could it be that [Sim Name] Hates Children?
When replacing Family-Oriented trait:
[Sim Name]'s had it with rude children! Recent negative interactions with children are making them feel not so Family-Oriented. Maybe [Sim Name] Hates Children?
- EgonVM5 months agoSeasoned Ace
This tracks how much sim is in icky and gross situations like using dirty objects.
This is a one-value category, including this trait:
- Squeamish
More info:- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Potential Interactions
- Witnessing death.
- Using dirty plumbing objects.
- Using dirty surfaces.
- Being chased out by bugs from the Granite Fall's public bathroom.
- Waking up next to a sim that died in their sleep.
- Changing diapers (especially during a disaster)
- Witnessing mice
- Needs TLC apartment problems
- Bugs in sleeping bags
- Ticks in the Bramble paths
- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Suggestion messages
[Sim Name] is Squeamish at the moment and doesn't appear to have the stomach for gross things or creepy crawlers.
- EgonVM5 months agoSeasoned Ace
Seems to track eco-friendly activities your sim is doing.
This is a one-value category, including these traits:
- Green Fiend
- Recycle Disciple
More info:- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Potential Interactions
Eco Lifestyle interactions?
- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Suggestion messages
Green Fiend
[Sim Name] appears to be more eco-friendly these days. Green Fiends are happiest in an eco-friendly environment.
Recycle Disciple
[Sim Name] appears to be more eco-friendly these days. Recycle Disciples revel in the thrill of using a Recycler.
- EgonVM5 months agoSeasoned Ace
It tracks how much your sim cleans and how high they keep their Hygiene need.
This is a min/max value category, including these traits:
- Neat +
- Slob -
More info:- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Potential Interactions
+ Interactions
- Cleaning
- Becoming stressed after cleaning
- Vacuuming a pristine floor
- Checking resources in a Werewolf Pack.
- Fishing in Moonwood Mill
- Making Grilled Lunafish
- Interactions
- Low Hygiene need (low enough for an Uncomfortable moodlet) (This will not take effect when vacationing in Granite Falls unless Filthy stage is reached)
- EgonVM4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Suggestion messages
[Sim Name] has enjoyed cleaning and doing household chores recently. There's a sparkle of joy when things are Neat!
When replacing Slob trait:
[Sim Name] has been cleaning a lot more lately. Could they prefer a more Neat and clean environment versus living as a Slob.
[Sim Name] hasn't paid much attention to being clean these days. The filthy mess of a Slob is starting to feel comfortable.
When replacing Neat trait:
[Sim Name] is finding it hard to keep a Neat home and life. [Sim Name] is starting to prefer the freedom of being a carefree Slob?
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