Forum Discussion

SuperSillySim's avatar
Seasoned Novice
2 months ago

Stuck Sims?! Help

Just wondering if anyone else is having an issue where if you give your sim a task they just stand there and nothing happens.

ie. get mail, go here, etc

  • Weirdly, I updated the game and had no issues. I played for about an hour, came back from 'vacation', and suddenly my sim was stuck on her command to go use the toilet. Wouldn't respond to anything, reset sim didn't work. Couldn't even click another sim. They all froze in their actions and I couldn't select a different sim to play. 

    I messed with the game for like an hour. Took my mods out, repaired the game - did a few variations of that for awhile. Kept having the same problem. I ended up having to revert to my previous save and lost the hour I'd played. I was able to keep my mods in (minus the ones that actually do need updates). Very weird. Prior to this I had a problem out of nowhere with my sims freezing (and freezing everyone else) if anyone interacted with a bar. Didn't update, didn't download anything new. It randomly stopped happening after two real life days of play.

  • I have tried everything you all recommended and then some. 

    I honestly just want to play ... I haven't played in two weeks and its starting to stress me out. I have been going through so much and just want one good thing to happen ... AHHHHHH