Forum Discussion

Sigzy_29's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Things from previous games I wish Sims 4 had....

1. The Budget Panel from TS1

-The cool thing about the budget panel is that this way I'd always know how much my sims will have to pay for bills, avoiding awful surprises and if I'm making enough simoleons or not. It would also be a nice way to keep track on household expenses and manage my funds a bit better.

2. Sim Bios

-Sim biographies were (and are) so cool! You could further detail an individual sim's story and personality through them, I wish TS4 which lacks a lot of personality could implement this, editable in CAS and Live Mode.

3. Interests

-Interests were so great, because they were deal breakers for conversations between sims. They dictated how well two sims would get and how fast their relationship would go up (or down). This would make the "Discuss interests" interaction actually useful (and many others since sims who don't have interest in food wouldn't like discussing favourite recipes) and further set sims apart through their personality.

4. Chemistry

-Chemistry between two sims was one of the coolest features ever added in a sims game. Sims would behave differently when they were nearby other sims to the point of going closest to the sim they were attracted to, to do whatever interaction they were trying to do, like reading, washing the dishes, whatever. Turn ons and offs were, along with interests, and personality points what defined the level of chemistry, and it would add a whole layer to the love/dating experience of TS4.

  • No thank you. If i want to play the other games to have those things - I would go play them. I already paid for those things once, that is why each one will always be different. Don't need exact repeats when you can just load up those games and play those. The new always needs a new version.

    But on the other hand I can agree about over sized things like microscopes and telescopes at least for home use they shouldn't be just the huge ones. Those are fine for a park of science center or even a science museum but ridiculous to think the average sim would have things like that or even the cupcake machine on their tiny home lot. Homes with big rocketships is out there as well. They are all great items to have in the game but also offer normal sized stuff for home use.
  • "Anthonydyer;c-16710701" wrote:
    "SimChessack;c-16698202" wrote:
    I liked the old way of laying foundations by tile instead of having it be lot-wide.

    I agree. Sims 4 is way too restrictive with building. Perhaps in the next game we can draw a foundation by drawing the perimeter of the foundation, so you can build a real basement. The foundation should be as thin as a wall, not a 1x1 square.

    One thing I hope never comes back is the wishes and fears which were tied to aspiration from sims 2. My sims were busy fulfilling their basic necessities and as a result were perpetually having aspiration failures. I couldn’t stand the stupid arbitrary interactions they were supposed to do.

    The sims 2:

    I for one did love the aspiration and fear system: it gave you a little challenge and made their personality traits much more realistic. for example: a sims who where affraid of commitment would really panic at the idea to becoming a parent and would feel depressed if it hapenned.

    I also loved the rewards and the way they worked. The fact that they where objects and not just traits was so nice: the whole family could benefit from them. I also loved the fact you had to be happy for your sims to use them, so you rally had to play acording to their aspirations.
    The way the aspirations work now are boring for me, I don't feel the necessities to fullfill them as the rewards are not that good :/ wish they could make a mix out of the two systems.

    The memories where great to! just a list of things that hapenned with a simple logo and not awefull pictures like the sims 3 :/

    The sims 1:

    The family photo book! Kinda like the ancestor of the sims 2 and 3 memories, you would take pictures and save them in the family book! that way you could write your own little stories and keep track of the events in the family :)

  • The sims 2: sims just waving to each other as they pass in their house. It just felt more natural that the sims living together would shortly acknowledge the other before engaging in social. Than the 4's style where the sims first need to stop doing what they are doing to go up to them to greet them properly like they haven't seen each other for a long time before starting a social interraction. Best example is the morning after a shared night at the married couple's house. Husband wakes up first and goes for food and starts eating at the table, the wife comes in and does the same, neither acknowledge the other. After the player decides that this silent treatment has gone on long enough and orders them to talk one of them gets up, collects their food, prompting the other to get up and collect their food, after which they move around the dining table to exhange kisses on the cheek, after which they sit back down and start talking. I might be remembering my sims 2 wrong but doesn't that seem a bit of a cumbersome way to greet someone whom you just shared a bed with? It'd feel a bit more natural over all if the sims that live in the same lot didn't need to go through the greeting animations all the time.