7 years ago
So I'm curious, what do you guys do with your townies? I know most people create their own sims or mostly create things like mods/cas stuff for the game rather than actually playing it. One of my favo...
"LaBlue0314;c-16809282" wrote:
I have a mod that forces my game to use the current homeless sim instead of creating new ones unless it needs to add a sim or sims to fill in for that slot. My townies consist of sims that I have added to the game from the gallery. They were the sims you see when they first introduced the different Sims 4 games and packs. If the game generates one I will either delete it or give it a makeover. These are a few of the townies in my game.Spoilerhttps://scontent-dfw5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/37098468_1048586948624933_5800903333875023872_o.jpg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-2.xx&oh=a07ce3e8af7e22a9e1ff82f7c76712db&oe=5C7C2AB2