Forum Discussion

EmRed97's avatar
Rising Novice
4 months ago

What if Wheelchairs and disabilities were added in sims?

I had a thought (as I am sure many other simmers have had this thought) that what if the sims franchise added disabilities, for example...

  1. We can choose if we want our sim to be physically disabled, unable to walk (unless they get physical therapy). But work on the mechanics of the sim doing the animations on how they would go to the bathroom or get in bed.
  2. If we wanted our disabled sim to eat at the table, they could roll up in a wheelchair to the table where there isn't a dining chair, and they can just eat there or wherever you would want your sim to eat. 
  3. There can be special build items that disabled sims can use; if they wanted to practice the piano, there can be an item specifically for that sim, OR the gamer could have the option in build mode to move the piano bench into the household inventory, that way the disabled sim can roll right up and 'tickle the ivories'.
  4. In build mode, if a gamer wanted their disabled sim to go swimming, or at least enjoy partaking in the pool(s) there can be an item in build mode for that too. 
  5. Or if they need to go to bed, there is an item that the sim can use to hoist themselves into (and out of) the bed and sleep. And they could use those items to help build their fitness skill.
  6. If they live in a house that has a foundation, there should be ramps! it can be an added build item like the stairs and ladders.

Now it shouldn't JUST be about the wheelchair, but there can be other disabilities too!

for example.

  • a sim could be born disabled.
  • a sim could have gotten into an accident and got injured. (High chance of survival of course)

those who are born disabled, (which would depend on a small percentage chance like say...10%) could either be in a wheelchair or born without a limb.

you could also create the sim's disabilities; they could also have prosthetics. The sims can also do physical therapy which can also increase the fitness skill! Especially if they are in a wheelchair. 

There is probably a mod out there that has that. But it would be so much better if it was in-game.

I recommend the disabilities be a Game Pack instead of an Expansion. Mostly cause the disabilities wouldn't need a whole different world...or would it? But I think it would be super cool and maybe a little fun if our sims had physical disabilities in the game.

8 Replies

  • LadyGray01's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    4 months ago

    I've been dealing with auto immune issues and arthritis since I was 19 (I am 45 now). Some days I'm in horrible pain. Sims has been a way for me to check out and do something fun and not think about it for years. Sims can do pretty much anything and even when things go wrong, their lives are still great. And I like that. So personally, I don't want disabilities in the game. I don't even ever put glasses on my Sims, and I wear glasses. All that said, there are lots of people who would love to have representation in the game. My disabilities are not, aside from when I need to use my cane, physically obvious. But other people's are. 

    Implementation is the tricky part. Townie Sims, and often born in game Sims when they age up, already randomly get an excessive amount of accessories in CAS. And frequently it will be no glasses or hearing aids in Everyday, but all the things in Sleepwear (or something similar). There's never any logic to it. So my concern is that an excessive amount of them would spawn sporting anything that is added. A game pack might be the way to go, so people like me could just not buy it. But it also runs the risk of turning people off if it's not implemented and advertised carefully. This is a very tricky thing.

  • I am autistic, this would be great to see either a mental  disability like autism or physical disability and there should be a variety of Sims people with or without disabilities.  I would also see some sort of a bathroom with wheelchair access for the Sim who is disabled or aged. Something like.



  • I lean more with LadyGray01. It is an escape from my world of disabilities, so I would not purchase a pack like this nor do I want them to alter the game for it. 

    It is also my reason for not purchasing the new Death pack. TOO much RL!

  • I’m with you on the disability aspect I have a disability called 18- which is a rare disability and I would like to see stuff like that in the game and with the option to enable or disable it and then the sims could focus on disability issues that some of us face every day like accessibility issues. It could also teach people how to interact with a person with a disability and not to stare or bully them. Sorry for my little rant but having gone through this in real life that rant was going to happen.

  • I think it sounds like a really good idea! I’d definitely would be interested in it and I’m sure I’m not the only one.

  • You mean after they did over the neurodivergent community by not allowing the cart button light to be toggled off? Yeah EA's ableism is on full display, and if they did decide to include wheelchairs and other disability aids it'd be nothing more than a cash grab that actually cared to the amount of zero about real representation (second case in point, hearing aids showing up as fashion accessories, and zero actual real life adjacent dead or HoH gameplay/animations). 

  • SEREFRAS's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    4 months ago

    Nope, no way!  There's enough of that in real life.  It's nice that sims don't have to have real life issues.

  • I like variety in my game, and some form of disability would be fine with me. But not to reflect all realistic sides of it, I simply don't think a full focus would blend well with this game. What I would like to see is some logic relation between actual eyes state and the need of glasses. Also a dna generated need for the hearing aid we already got. Need of wheelchair could be a thing, I'm just not sure how it should be handled re need of it. One think I missed is that elders should have decreased abilities at a certain age, maybe depending on how they lived their lives, but also generic could play a role. Say, not walking any stairs, becoming clumsy, not able to read anything without glasses, using walking cane, having slightly crooked back etc. My real old elders are way too young ;)

    I know OP refer to younger sims, but these things could come in the same pack. General disability might be too hard on many simmers - like you planned a so-ad-so family, and the disability might get removed in CAS anyway because it was not fitting the plan. If you want to spend your limited simming time playing a movie star, you might not really be up to playing a disability game instead. So this thing might need to be something we can toggle on/off somehow. But the smaller disabilities I'm all for as a genetic thing :)