Forum Discussion

LaunchSneezes's avatar
Seasoned Veteran
2 years ago

What's your play style?

What's your play style? What do you like to focus on? What lives do you typically create for your sims?

Personally, ...I hope this isn't bad, but I guess everyone knows by now that for the most part I play young adult poly households. It's fun for me. I'm romantic, for one thing, and I like having a house full of ongoing kisses and flirting. And it's fun to see what they all get up to. I put dancing "stations" around (with music devices), bars, televisions, computers, painting easels, instruments, hot tubs, anything-goes bushes, big closets, anything their hearts may desire. It's more interesting than just two people, it's more interesting than a family with kids (I'm...not a kid person irl. No maternal instincts, I'm afraid). I'm currently working in a save with...I don't know how many at this point, poly households, and I just go back and forth between them to see what they're doing. I have started using sims from create-a-sim and I really like them. Tbh I just give them all the same aspiration and traits because all I care about is the relationship aspect. Which is like real life too, I guess - I care more about relationships than power or success or...whatever. I mean it's important to have your own interests and etc in real life as a real person, but I have so many sims, I don't have the bandwidth.

Also this was in another discussion, in a poll, but I do love editing houses that are in the game and editing houses that are in the gallery. Some of the houses already in the game, lived in by NPC's, are spectacular.

So what about you?

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