"bshag4lv;c-16413472" wrote:
The clay hair has finally won me over. I used to absolutely hate it, but I guess it grows on you, lol.
One of my most favorite clayified hairs is birksche's simblog...I think I have most of them. :)
There's a whole slew of great modders over at The Sims Resource, ShinoKCR (furniture), Simscredible by Design (furniture), DOT (lighting), Mutske (windows, doors & arches), PralineSims, mostly everything, NataliS (jewelry) & S-Club (hair, makeup, jewelry), I could go on and on, lol. You don't have to be a VIP member but I got real tired of all the onslaught of ads they throw at you so I just became VIP, $3.50 USD per month. For all the excellent cc, no mods, I would wholeheartedly recommend TSR. I get all my mods at either MTS, Sims4 Studio, TFM's Naughty Asylum...and have never been disappointed.
Man I love modders. <3
I was checking out one of the clayified hair modders too.
I was almost to the point of downloading a lot of them, but I am not getting rid of my alpha hair, and the clash is too strong.
I would have to dump all my alphas, which I am not ready to do yet. :D