8 years ago
Help! WCIF rose sleeve tattoo
Okay this is probably a stab in the dark... But I'm going crazy trying to find this lol
I was on Tumblr looking at Maxis Match cc and I came across a cc creator's (who for the life of me I cannot remember her name!) page and the sim she uses to model her stuff had this beautiful rose tattoo. It was a sleeve that came down the forearm. It was soooo pretty and now I'm driving myself crazy trying to find this Tumblr again (I'm on the app on my tablet so unfortunately I can't just check my history) because I want to ask her where she got it!! Soo if that rings a bell at all for anyone who goes on Tumblr, lmk! I do remember that she posted answers to lots of WCIF questions.
I was on Tumblr looking at Maxis Match cc and I came across a cc creator's (who for the life of me I cannot remember her name!) page and the sim she uses to model her stuff had this beautiful rose tattoo. It was a sleeve that came down the forearm. It was soooo pretty and now I'm driving myself crazy trying to find this Tumblr again (I'm on the app on my tablet so unfortunately I can't just check my history) because I want to ask her where she got it!! Soo if that rings a bell at all for anyone who goes on Tumblr, lmk! I do remember that she posted answers to lots of WCIF questions.