Forum Discussion

dimples7377's avatar
7 years ago


Okay wow i totally just created my own sims clothing wow i just had to share that with all of you I'm literately like so happy it didn't turn out 100 percent but pretty close for my first try.
I thought i would share that with all of you

10 Replies

  • how do i get rid of the marks on my sims arms where the long sleeve was for my long sleeve converted to a tshirt
  • when i uplated it into my game the shoort sleeve was ther but his arms still showed he was wearing the long sleeve his rms didnt blend ito his body same thing when i amde a full body into a shirt and shorts the legs didnt blend
  • Heya! To upload a picture you can reference a hosting website if you like, I believe. Maybe that will help people get the visual of what you are talking about!
  • I cdont know how to do that but i have created alot of things sense this post i separated the anchor and fish swim clothes
  • "Finnadora;c-17017167" wrote:
    You can use Photobucket to host photos and then copy the link from the photo on Photobucket to put it here.

    Imgur actually works better than Photobucket (they only allow you to post one picture, Imgur is unlimited.)