Looking for a Guide to Sims 4 Mods
Hi everyone!
I currently have the Sims 4 completely vanilla and unsurprisingly don't play it at all. With the new forums being quite confusing to navigate, I'm really sorry if this has already been covered or asked a million times.
Does anyone have any links to a thread or tutorial around which SIms 4 mods are key to playing the game? I modded Sims 3 quite a lot so the kinds of mods I'm looking for are things that enhance general gameplay (I'll be looking into MCCC as I loved Master Controller for 3) and make things generally more interesting like adding in careers or options. I'm not interested in **bleep** as an FYI 😂 This might be far too vague but if there are any master lists or recommendations please point me in the right direction!
Happy Simming! 💚