3 years ago
We Need an Update For Those Weddings Mods Now!
Hello everyone.
In light of the release of the new game pack, I think the mod “longer parties more guests”, and “invite any guests”, should both be updated. The first mod allows you to invite more sims (up to 200 sims) and permits throw longer parties with no limit of time. The second just lets you invite any sims you want from the whole save. I know a lot of Simers use those mods, and personally for me, having 15 Sims as guests is nothing (in my legacy current save, I play a family game and the family itself is more than 15 sims).
So I think it's necessary and worth updating the mod!
What do you think?
In light of the release of the new game pack, I think the mod “longer parties more guests”, and “invite any guests”, should both be updated. The first mod allows you to invite more sims (up to 200 sims) and permits throw longer parties with no limit of time. The second just lets you invite any sims you want from the whole save. I know a lot of Simers use those mods, and personally for me, having 15 Sims as guests is nothing (in my legacy current save, I play a family game and the family itself is more than 15 sims).
So I think it's necessary and worth updating the mod!
What do you think?