Forum Discussion
I keep pressing command + shift + c but the bubble won't appear for me to type in the cheat codes. Does anyone know whats going on? I don't have any external apps on. Please let me know, it's getting pretty boring without the cheats for money!
This is my first time using any sims game on a mac. I have Sims 4, and the cheat box will not open with the code command+shift+c
- crinrict10 years agoHero+
Try ctl-shift-c instead.
- Anonymous10 years ago
this does not work
- crinrict10 years agoHero+
Any background programs that could be interfereing ?
- crinrict10 years agoHero+
- What's your Mac Model ?
- Are you using a laptop keyboard or an external one ?
- What's your firmware version (sorry, don't know where you would find that info) ?
- Anonymous10 years ago
It's a macbook pro, early 2011 and I am using the laptop's own keyboard (i.e. not an external one)
And i'm running OS X Yosemite 10.10.2
I played sims 3 on this laptop before and had no problems with bringing up the cheat console. i've gone through multiple solutions and tried many suggested tips but none seem to be working.
I've tried using both command and ctrl when trying to bring up the cheat console.
The only that I've accomplished is taking a screen capture (I believe ctrl + c does it 😕mileytongue: ) but gaaaadammit i just want the motherlode cheat ☹️
I know everyones trying to problem solve so thanks for trying
- crinrict10 years agoHero+
Did you post at the official forum yet ?
I'm just not a mac users and don't know what else you could try
- 10 years ago
On my mac control shift c works.
- 10 years ago
I also met this problem on Windows OS,but I found a weird method to solve it.I pressed ctrl+shift+windows+c instead of ctrl+shift+c.And it worked.So I wonder if you can try ctrl+shift+command+c because I think windows key to windows os is just like command key to mac os.
- Bluebellflora10 years agoHero+
@IamPonyPinkiePie wrote:
I also met this problem on Windows OS,but I found a weird method to solve it.I pressed ctrl+shift+windows+c instead of ctrl+shift+c.And it worked.So I wonder if you can try ctrl+shift+command+c because I think windows key to windows os is just like command key to mac os.
Doesn't the Windows key bring up certain menus and actually functions on its own? Mac users use the CMD key instead of the CTRL key, e.g. CMD+C for copy, CMD+V for paste. This is why a lot of Mac users mistakenly think that the cheat console is brought up by using CMD, Shift and C when it is CTRL, Shift and C.
That's an interesting method you used though 🙂
- 10 years ago
Hmm...seeing that I have only played TS4 for Windows OS and I'm not familiar with Mac OS,so all of my suggestions to solve it on Mac is just some sort of guessing or inference.So I guess you can also try pressing command+shift+ctrl+c and see if it works.
Besides,some sort of apps will jammed the opening of cheat box.I found that the Cursor FX is an example for that.While pressing ctrl+shift+c,the mouse cursor reset it self.
- Anonymous9 years ago
Ive been on the sims 4 for about 2 years now and i have always used the cheat bar for money cheats for all of my sim households. Irecentley discovered the problem of the cheat bar not opening when i typed ctrl+shift+c so it was a big shock and surprise to me. I had to delete my game slot and restart my hoseholds on a game play world (oasis springs,newcrest,and willow creek) in order to have the cheat bar. It obviously showed up and i was relieved that it worked. I am not sure if it will work on expansion pack worlds that i have once ive restarted but i would like to just share what i found out with you guys!!
- 3 years ago
hi, I am a Mac user. I have just started playing sims4 and have been trying to enable the cas full edit mode. However, when I press cmd shift c,it takes screenshots instead, what should I do to enable it?
- puzzlezaddict3 years agoHero+
@bluetinblublu You need to use crtl-shift-C to bring up the cheats console. Yes, even though you're on a Mac.
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