5 months ago
Sims 4 folder missing from mac
I have had Sims 4 downloaded on my mac for a while, I used to play through origin but now play through EA app. I am looking to add some mods to the game but I can not find the sims 4 folder. It is not in the electronic arts folder, it is not in my icloud, its not anywhere. The EA app gives an option to open the folder where its saved but it just takes me to the sims 4 app. The only thing i can do is right click on the app and select 'show packet contents' - literally just has a 'contents' folder there. Not sure where else to look or what else to try as i've searched the whole of my laptop and its not here ☹️
- @Jantomo123
You're not looking in the correct location - Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods. It has nothing to do with the location of the game installation or the install itself.
The Mods folder is created when you enable 3rd party content in the in-game options.