Sims 4 freezes when travelling
My first post here so apologies in advance for any mistakes I make.
Updated Sims 4 today, I have no mods.
Started a new save file to play the current event.
8.00 am, no actions other than building, my sim uses the phone to travel, destination chosen Britechester/Library. Blue screen plumbob begins to turn, but then freezes/disappears (white font messages are showing but frozen too).
I have saved, resumed, shut everything down, opened, tried the same thing, it freezes every . single. time. Same thing with previous games. Only way out is force quit. Obviously I cannot play at all like this.
Is this a current update issue experienced by others?
Many thanks for any and all advice or information
Please post in this thread on this ongoing issue since the January patch - [TROUBLESHOOTING] Sims 4 Crashing since 1/14/25 Update | EA Forums - 11007810
Your issue doesn't sound the same, the red screen may be an indicatior of something else being the cause. Please could you create a new thread and include full specs on your Mac and version of macOS.
Locked this for duplication and different issues.