Amaru3016 I've removed your first screenshot because it contained personal information.
Are you saying the game thinks you don't own the pack when you actually play, or is it only that Steam thinks you don't own the pack? Steam isn't going to list a pack as owned when you bought it directly from EA. You can still use the content in a Steam install though.
Please open the EA App, click Sims 4 > Manage > Manage add-ons, and see whether you can download L&D from there. If you can't, and it's not already installed, let me know.
If the pack is listed as installed, but it's not loading in-game, please run a search for its folder. Open a File Explorer window, click This PC in the left panel, and enter EP17 in the search field in the upper-right corner. Wait for the search to finish, then make sure the full file path is showing under each result. If it's not, expand the window sideways as necessary. Take a screenshot using Windows key-shift-S and attach it to a reply here.