Forum Discussion

columbia93's avatar
Rising Rookie
3 hours ago

EA:where's the list of unallowed words for Gallery saves?

This is what I've been trying to post. I already took out the word "deck" because the perver$ity of EA obviously doesn't know how to spell. My previous save to the Gallery wasn't permitted until I took that word out of that description. Draw your own conclusions because I found it a bit sickening that a company that recently released an entire Woohoo pack for a lot of money would be squeamish about "deck", which, BTW, is a raised wooden platform on a house.

I also had "pulled off" in there and changed it to "created", because the above nonsense leads me to believe EA might also find something "dirty" about that, too.

So now this is what I'm left with and it still says I have an inappropriate word in the description. Since EA doesn't bother to provide a list of what those words would be and it is horrifying that I should, what? Go through the entire thing word by word to figure out what y'all are thinking in your dark little minds? Perhaps one of your moderators can pour through this seeming p0rn0graphy to let me know exactly what word it is that has EA wringing their hands in mock disgust?

This is a series of rebuilds of ugly EA houses in Willow Creek so many of the words I've used have been in prior descriptions without problems. "Mainstay" might be new, as well as "Jack & Jill". Do you not like "Mstr Ste"? "Development"? "Magical"? I'm truly befuddled - hope that isn't a bad word, too.

It would be appreciated if someone could get back to me on this asap so I can finish saving it to the Gallery. I'm a 65 year old woman who's been playing TS since 2000 and what EA is putting me through with this is pushing all of the wrong buttons. Thx.

***BTW, tagging is absurd to an old lady like me and the categories you've provided are of no use to my issue, but you are forcing me to make a choice. I don't even remember what I picked but whatever it was, it has zero meaning. And yes, this is a TECHNICAL issue because I am unable to move forward without assistance.