Forum Discussion

RGGAMING2012's avatar
Rising Traveler
6 months ago

Horrible Update

I believe it was either the 7/25/24 or the 7/23/24 update.

The old problem (solved): Mods not working.

The NEW problem: CAS not loading, gallery, build mode, and such not loading, lag, and my game crashed for the first time EVER (I'd say my Windows 11 is pretty good, something about it being a gaming/video editing PC)

Now you see, I fixed the mods by fixing my Avast Anti-Virus, but now I get these problems.

It's DEFINETLY EA's (or Maxis') fault, as other are having this problem too.

IDK if there is a fix, if so, please say so!  My game is crap because of this, and it sucks!

We all love The Sims, but these updates just ruin it....

Hopefully this gets fixed, hope everyone has an awesome day/night/afternoon/morning, byeee ✌️

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