4 months agoNew Rookie
Invisible items
I´m not sure if it is a Technical Issue but.... sinc the last Update i have a lot of Items across all expansion packs that are invisible. For example: I went to the Library in Britechester and i ca...
- 4 months ago
Lola-the-Gogoat Please try forcing the game to use DirectX 11 mode. There are a couple ways to do this, one being through the Nvidia Control Panel. Right-click the desktop, select the CP, choose Manage 3D Settings > Global settings, and choose the high-performance Nvidia processor.
If this fixes the issue, you can revert the global setting and apply it in Program settings, for TS4_x64 and TS4_Launcher_x64, but please try the global setting first. I've heard from a few people who say the program setting doesn't apply. You can see whether the game is using DirectX 9 or 11 at the Main Menu: it will say either DX9 or DX11 after the version number in the lower-right corner.