Hi, hello,
I've looked through some older posts including post from August this year but cannot still find a reason why it happens and how to make it work.
For the past X years (I played since the Sims 4 was released) till now, I've played the game in English. At some point I was asked to change Origin to EA app and it kept my game in language, however last month or so I had to format my PC and while downloading the game again, I've found myself stuck in Polish, Czech and Russian. While I do agree that these languages are nice, my primary language is English and I can continue playing this game and enjoy it only in this language.
I've bought the game many years ago without any language/location restriction. Most of the DLCs I have were bought via Origin, but some also from external sites, where I made sure that everything is for GLOBAL or at least EUROPEan use.
I tried to find a way to contact EA support line, but (I could be blind) the only thing I found was the support page with different issues I could choose from and once I did go through many of them, the site would only point me to a article or to this Forum.
I tried the following:
- Attempt 1:
Installed the game in Polish (since this is the language I'm familiar the most with), launched it, so it could make files in the C drive, then I switched it off, uninstalled the game and tried to download it again
Outcome: Polish, Czech and Russian languages available only, so I stopped the installation and cleared both the game folder as well as folder on C drive with the inis and such
- Attempt 2:
Installed the game in Polish again, launched it, swtiched it off. Opened regedit and editied the following keys: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Maxis\The Sims 4\Locale and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4\Locale by setting en_US instead of pl_PL
Once that was done, I've clicked "Repair game" or whatever option that was in Manage menu, so the game could download the missing English pack.
Outcome: Once the repair was done, I've launched the game again and haha it was in Czech š
So yeah I deinstalled the game again.
- Attempt 3:
Cleared the cache, checked the download options (yup, still Czech, Pol, Rus), downloaded the game in Polish, launched it (it opened in Polish of course), switched the game off, changed the registry. Then I've reset the EA app and clicked repair in Manage menu options.
Outcome: Once the repair was done, I've launched the game again and it was in Czech again. I've got rid of it from my PC completely.
- Attempt 4:
Deleted the EA app completely. I've cleaned the Registry too, just in case. Did the same to the game keys. Then I've changed the country in region and language settings on my PC to UK since US was not available . Next, I've opened the site in English, downloaded the installer. In the meantime I've also changed my Account settings on the site, so there is English speaking country in there too - UK. Then I've installed EA app, went to settings, set Region to UK (language was already set on English) and tried to download the game
Outcome: The download options were still Czech, Polish and Russian.
- Attempt 5:
So I downloaded the game again (thank you relatively fast data transfer) in Polish, launched the game, killed the game, then went into registry and edited the keys I mentioned before to en_US without repairing the game.
Outcome: The game successfully opened after launch, but it was missing most of the text, which is completely understandable, since it was missing the language pack. Once the repair was done it went back to Czech.
- Attempt 6:
I've redownloaded the game in Polish one more last time and without launching the game, changed the registry keys to en_US, then clicked on repair.
Outcome: The game still opened in Czech.
- Attempt 7:
I've changed everything I saw connected with either Maxis, EA or The sims 4 locale from cs_CZ to en_US and then launched the game
Outcome: Game crashed at launch and here we are.
I heard there is a way to get English language pack via Steam, but I absolutely refuse linking my Steam account with EA. I also saw people mentioning downloading Origin, but the only official version I've got, was the one for Mac and I'm using Windows.
Honestly I don't know what else to do.
I've attached a screenshot of the game without any text for funnzies and one more showing my language choices when downloading.
Please help dear gents and ladies.