Forum Discussion

Rosemary1935's avatar
4 hours ago

Sims 4 not working due to error code- Compensation?

This last update has been a nightmare. Posting and trying all these different troubleshooting options.  I am at the point in my frustration where I want to know "what is the compensation for not having access to my Sims 4 game?!"

Before I go to Geek Squad to try to help me figure out all the techie stuff.  I really want to put on the record.  I have spent too much money to be turn into a tech support person trying to troubleshoot and figure out how the latest update disabled my game.  Although, it is greatly appreciated to the many people offering up solutions to this massive problem.  This solution is not satisfying for my expectations as a customer who is without a paid product.  I would appreciate someone from the company to reach out and provide either a real troubleshooting resolution or compensation for not having access to my game.  Thank you!

  • Rosemary1935  I haven't seen anyone "from the company" posting in this section of the forum in the two months it's existed.  If you'd like help from other users (probably me), please post a screenshot of the error you're seeing.  If you'd like to talk to someone paid by EA, here's the help center:

    • Rosemary1935's avatar

      Thank you for letting me know!

      I have tried everything suggested in the threads.  I am still seeing this: