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LPNintendoITA's avatar
8 years ago

Destination Springfield: Act 1 Walkthrough

Around the World Pt. 1

Auto starts

Quimby: The success of Evergreen Terrace's fake Chinese festival has given me a fantastic idea.
Quimby: We make a bunch of little “worlds” - ChinaWorld, FrenchWorld, whatever - and pull in tourists who can't afford to go to the real places.
Marge: Like “Hepcat Center” in that Florida theme park I keep forgetting the name of.
Homer: Or like “Westworld” without the killer robots.
Professor Frink: If it's deathbots you want, I have a self-aware toaster that's in a pretty bad mood.

Task: Make Homer Fear Theme Parks
Time: 6s
Location: Simpson House
If the user has Professor Frink: Task: Make Frink Try to Build a Deathbot
Time: 6s
Location: Frink's Lab

Around the World Pt. 2

Auto starts

Lisa: How are tourists supposed to get to Springfield, anyway?
Lisa: We're surrounded by impassable mountains, empty ocean, and an endless featureless plain.
Homer: We could build an airport.
Quimby: Perfect! The construction companies that fund my campaigns are ready for a boondoggle.
Quimby: I shouldn't say things like that out loud. Still, is it really news I'm corrupt?
System Message: You got a free land token. Buy land to redeem it.
Quest reward: Free Land Token
Task: Build the Airport

Around the World Pt. 3

Auto starts

Moe: This is great. The airport just opened, and already the town is full of tourists.
Quimby: I paid an air traffic controller twenty dollars to divert every plane within five hundred miles here.
Moe: Smart. Now, let's tap these tourists like maple trees for their sweet out-of-town syrup.
Task: Tap Tourists

Tourist: Hey, how come everyone here keeps tapping us tourists?
Snake: Watch out. It's how they distract you while they steal your wallet.
Tourist: Thanks, friend!
Snake: Tap. Yoink!!

Around the World Pt. 4

Auto starts

Quimby: Our town is being flooded by American tourists who want to enjoy our cut-rate collection of fake foreign worlds.
Lisa: But the airport security lines are endless, and planes are stuck on the runway because there aren't enough gates...
Quimby: As usual, Springfield's triumph is America's nightmare.
Milhouse: Look! My uncle Norbert Van Houten, the international adventurer, just landed in his biplane.
Norbert: When I heard you had a nice big airport, I knew I could finally fly in.
Milhouse: But you said you once landed your plane on a Tibetan field the size of a postage stamp.
Norbert: Riiight, that story. Well, if you'd had a postage stamp here, I would've come sooner!
Task: Tap on Norbert
Task: Send Springfielders on Flights

Kumiko: I just got offered a job as a flight attendant on Anime Airlines.
Kumiko: As long as I wear the right costume.
Comic Book Guy: Take the job. Bring me the left-over pretzel snacks.

Around the World Pt. 5

Auto starts

Tourist: Excuse me, sir, can you direct me to some of the famous sights of Springfield?
Tourist: I hear there’s a Volcano Lair, a Ghost Pirate Ship, and Giant Mechanical Ants.
Homer: Could be. Depends if Skyfinger was willing to pony up for premium items.
Homer: Also, they tend to get moved around a lot.
Homer: Some say a giant baby in the sky gets hold of our world and randomly slides things around while pooping.
Quimby: Maybe. But maybe we just need a Tourist Information Center.
Task: Build the Tourist Information Center
Task: Use the Tourist Information Center

Around the World Pt. 6

Auto starts

Moe: These tourists aren't spending moolah at my bar.
Moe: They're just hanging around the airport trying to get flights outta here.
Quimby: Good luck with that. I have flocks of geese flying around the airport to prevent departures.
Quimby: But maybe we should go on a fact-finding mission to other Springfields, to see how they are encouraging tourism.
Quimby: Wives not allowed on mission!

Task: Tap Attractions in Other Springfields

Around the World Pt. 7

Auto starts

Homer: Springfield Airport is once again number one… in flight delays and lost luggage.
Lisa: There's a mountain of lost bags behind the airport.
Quimby: Perhaps I shouldn't have given the baggage-handling contract to the company that does city trash compaction.
Homer: Well, as long as the original owners will never, ever get their stuff back, might as well trade it in for SkyCredits.
Task: Build the SkyCredits Reward Center

Around the World Pt. 8

Auto starts

Quimby: Use your SkyCredits to buy fabulous gifts or airline miles.
Quimby: Although certain travel blackout days apply.
Quimby: Actually, you can only use SkyCredits to fly on February 29 of a “century leap year”.
Quimby: So see you in the skies on February 29, 2400!
Task: Purchase an Item at the Reward Center

Quimby: We are doing a great job collecting tourists' pins and stealing their luggage.
Quimby: But believe it or not, tourists want more than that from a travel experience.
Quimby: It's time to open Springfield's FrenchWorld, a celebration of the glories and beauty of France.
Lisa: Where shall we put it?
Quimby: I think there's space between the tire fire and the garbage dump.

Around the World Pt. 9

Auto starts

Quimby: To make Springfield's FrenchWorld seem authentic to tourist rubes, we have to try and be as French as possible.
Quimby: Everyone, do what you would do if you were French!
Moe: Finally, a use for my rudeness and addiction to garlic.

Task: Make Apu Sell Gauloises Cigarettes
Time: 4h
Location: Kwik-E-Mart
Task: Make Ned Wax His Mustache
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House
Task: Make Lisa Practice Miming
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Homer Drink Wine With Breakfast
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House

Around the World Pt. 10

Ned starts

Ned: Bon diddily jour, touristereeno. Care to take a walk around our “strolly sepulchre”?
Tourist: He's definitely French. Completely incomprehensible.
Apu: Who would like to sample my genuine, French pâté?
Lisa: Apu, how wonderful you made something so fresh and natural.
Apu: Actually, I just ran my hot dogs through the Squishee machine.

Task: Make Ned Puzzle Tourists
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House
Task: Make Apu Sell Tourists “Pâté”
Time: 4h
Location: Kwik-E-Mart

Around the World Pt. 11

Homer starts

Homer: How much longer is this French thing going on? I'm tired of wearing a striped shirt and playing the accordion.
Quimby: The tourists love it. Keep honking your squeeze box!
Tourist: I do love it, but what I really want is what every man seeks in Paris... love.
Homer: If I set you up on a date, can I stop playing the accordion?
Tourist: Seems fair.
Homer: Selma, I got an adventure for you…

Task: Make Homer Try to Persuade Selma to Date a Tourist
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House

Around the World Pt. 12

Homer starts

Homer: Sorry, Mr. Tourist, Selma refused to go on a date with you.
Tourist: I'm filled with ineffable sorrow. Crank up the accordion.
Homer: But I did find you someone else who's willing to offer companionship.
Ned: Hey there, mon ami. Care to spend an evening in Flanders' fields?
Tourist: Well… that moustache *is* pretty amazing.

Task: Make Ned Cook Dinner for a Tourist
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House

La Bicyclette

Auto starts

Lisa: What could be more wonderfully French than a basket of wine and bread on a bicycle?
Homer: A basket of French fries in a deep fryer.
Lisa: You have a point.
Task: Place La Bicyclette
Task: Make Homer Celebrate France by Gorging on Fries
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House

Act 2 Teaser Dialogue

Auto starts

Quimby: People of Springfield, our attempt to attract tourists with a fake “FrenchWorld” was the greatest success this city has ever seen.
Quimby: By which I mean, a mild success.
Quimby: Now it is time to decide what foreign culture to rip off next.
Quimby: As always, my rip-off suggestion box is open.
System Message: Be sure to come back on February 12th to see what opens up next!
  • frosted1414's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Is there a list of Norbert's Adventure Tasks? Something like:
    1) find a big horse = troy, turkey
    2) suffer a syndrome = stockholm, sweden
  • frosted1414's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    The gag/pun clues are easy to figure out... but if one were to know what the next destination is then one could potentially send characters ahead of time.