
flauschtrud's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 months ago
Under Investigation

Blast from the Past: Build the Time Travel Component not possible in apartments

I have all the required items in my inventory and handiness and logic at level 2, but there is no interaction on the shards of time except "Add to Favorites". Restarting the game didn't help.

EDIT I wondered whether it was the issue that my Sim was living in a San Myshuno apartment. After moving him to a residential the interaction appeared as expected...


  • I was able to build the time component while my Sim was living in an apartment in San Myshuno. I was fully expecting to have to move, or at the very least travel away from home, but was desperately using every device in her home first to try to get something to break so she could do the Repair task. For some reason nothing would break for days, and while I was killing time waiting I just idly clicked on the stack of shards in her inventory and tried building the time travel component.

    Not sure if there’s supposed to be some animation, but I just got an announcement that she’d built it and it showed up in her inventory.

    Successful apartment was 18 Culpepper House, in case that helps anyone else.

  • I’m also having this problem! My sim also lives in the Penthouse in San Myshuno. I’m so sad because I want to finish this event :(

  • If you can't find the option to build, place ironyum and platinum in the world. Make your sims to put it back into inventory. Then click the shard and there will be the option to build.

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