2 months agoSeasoned Novice
Build mode malfunction after placing roof, moving room: soft freeze
playing Sims 4 on PS5.
All packs except: journey to batuu, business chic, refined living room, cozy kitsch, sweet slumber, party essentials, urban homage, goth galore, castle estate, modern luxe, poolside splash, carnival, modern mens, incheon, fashion street, country kitchen, throwback fit.
special content I do have: holiday celebration pack, grim’s guitar.
I’ve recreated this bug about ten times, give or take. The game doesn’t fully freeze or crash but goes into a soft freeze where the save menu is inaccessible. Most “x” or select functions do not work, square button doesn’t work, circle doesn’t work. I can select “start” and then “save” but I get the pinwheel of death and the save file choices never load.
- This is quite long into a mega build on a 64x64 lot in Chestnut Ridge — where most tiles have been utilized.
- I have been using cheats: bb.moveobjects bb.enablefreebuild bb.showhiddenobjects bb.showliveeditobjects bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement
- The bug seems to occur after moving a room, adjusting walls, or placing a roof and then trying to adjust it.
- I then am unable to proceed. Undo buttons do not work.
- I can switch to live mode, but the cursor still thinks it’s in build mode and I can not press circle to back out or x to select anything.
- I believe this bug may have occurred after deleting a debug item that looks like a square flat tv screen where the “screen” faces vertically. I have no idea what this item is supposed to be. It looks like a block. It is named “debug”
- I have had this bug occur on other saves and other lots when building so perhaps the debug issue is just happenstance.
- There’s no lag issue.