whenever i try to get into cas it is just stuck at the loading screen, i saw someone else say it was happening to them and they removed the multiple columns mods and it worked after, i removed the mo...
cas not opening since new update
8 months agoNew Spectator
not only can i not use cas, but my hud has some of the icons mixed around. i've tried to get rid of any problem cc but it hasn't changed anything.
- Narlyfinesse8 months agoNew Spectator
my icons are mixed around too :( I've tried to clean out my cc and repair my game but nothing is working.
- tallbiruk208 months agoNew Spectator
UI cheats Extension is the mod causing the icon mix up. Also More Columns in CAS is causing infinite loading into CAS. It sucks, hopefully our amazing modders will update soon.
- maoowfr8 months agoNew Spectator
i deleted those and it's still not working:(
- maoowfr8 months agoNew Spectator
guys the culprits are probably the eyelashes cc's and more traits mods, disabled those and cas is now working, try it. I beg the creators to update their mods.
- 8 months ago
took out of the mods folder, wont work.
- vivianjp128 months agoNew Spectator
Thank you so much! After deleting More Columns, it works!
- Thann3538 months agoNew Spectator
Try updating the UI cheat extensions if you have it, Disable the mods, it helped me, and then try to play like that. If it let's you play like that and everything is going well, enable the mods and try restarting the game. I did it and now my Sims is bug free
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