
crinrict's avatar
2 months ago
Important Info

[COLLECTION] Clothing That Don't Tuck Correctly

This thread is a collection for all shirts that should be tucked in but aren't. Please create one post per asset.

Please add the following info to your post

  • Name of the asset in S4Studio (this is optional but if you know your way around the tool, it's great help
  • Name of the pack
  • Screenshot of the asset


Remark: There is currently an issue where all shirts appear not tucked in when you apply to many layers of details (accessory, tattoos, etc). Please test on a Sim without anything to make sure it's not that isssue: Tucked buttoned shirts become 'untucked' when adding too many skin details | EA Forums - 5032080 


Please see this for an index of already reported issues: [INDEX] Collection Threads





    Casanova Cave Top (ymTop_SP60Vest) now tucks in properly.

    Fixed in Patch 1.112.519/2.06

    The others are still open.

  • The 'ymBottom_EP06PantsVinyl' - From Get Famous untuck all shirts, regardless of amounts of layered accessories and skin details


    Ive only shown a few, but across multiple packs just to emphasise how wide spread it is.

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