GiardiniDiMarzoSo looking into this icon issue, it looks like it is using a For Rent pack icon, for a basegame interaction. Where as the interaction on the large observatory is still correctly named 'Spy on Neighbourhood' - it only changes to the Neighbourhood Reconnaissance when a sim is nosy, which looks to be by design.
Whereas on the telescope ALL sims, including non-nosy and simmers who don't own For Rent uses the Neighbourhood Reconnaissance incorrectly, therefore causing a missing icon.
No Nosy TraitObservatory With Nosy TraitTelescope Without Nosy Trait
rory_nutt I don't own For Rent. That's why they also changed the translation! Good to know. I'm sure before it was different, like Spia i vicini <Spy on Neighbors> and now it's the exact translation of Neighborhood Reconnaissance <Ricognizione di quartiere>.