Thread Tags
Thread tags are are tags you choose to indicate what your issue is generally about. These can be used as filters to help narrow down if something was reported before. They also give information needed for a bug report since this forum doesn't have a template.
Thread Tags will be added/removed if they are wrong or missing. To edit tags in your own post, click on the cogwheel all the way to the right to edit the first post.
Which tags should you add
These instructions are specifically for the bug forum but they also apply to some extend to other forums. Mod usage is ALWAYS an important information for folks helping you.
The platform tag very important and gives an indication which platforms are affected. It's possible that extra tags are added by EA Staff or myself but as it's a lot of manual work so it's not always done. If something is only for specific platforms , it's also indicated as a title tag.
Please choose at least one of these: PC/Mac/XBox/Playstation. If you tested on multiple systems, choose multiple
If you are on PC, please also choose Steam, EPIC or EA app.
Mod usage
This is the most important information and please be honest about this. It's no problem if you usually use mods but to be sure it's not mod related, everything MUST be tested on a game without mods/cc.
Reshade/GShade and other third party content that go elsewhere than your mods folder do also count as Mods/cc. Only thing that doesn't is official DLC and Households/Lots downloaded from the gallery or added to your tray folder.
Please chose EXACTLY ONE of the following
- Mods and/or CC (these are two tags, add both if you use mods and CC): Use this if you have mods/cc in your game
- CC or Mods Removed: Choose these if you usually use mods/cc but you have removed them and tested without. Make sure to actually move the mods folder to the desktop and delete the localthumbcache file. Disabling can be tricky, especially if you just disable script mods.
- Never CC or Mod: Choose this if you are on Console or you have never (or not in a long time) used any 3rd party content.
There's a few tags for performance. Only choose these if this is happening in your game. These issues are all concerned with something a bit more technical and you might be sent to the tech forum to troubleshoot those as they can have many causes.
- Crashing: A crash is when your game closes to the desktop.
- Freezing: Freezing means your game doesn't move anymore. You are stuck cause non of the buttons work (this excludes issues that get stuck because a button is disabled or you get an error code)
- Lags: The game is slow and choopy but not frozen. Interactions that should be fast, take a long time.
- Loading times: Anything related to long or endless loading times.
Game Issues
The following tags help a bit to categorize your issue. There are a lot more that could be added but currently, it's kept to those. More will probably be added in the future.
- Error Codes: Use this if you receive an error Message with a code. Make sure to post the actual error code in your report.
- Graphics: Anything related to how the game looks.
- Live Mode: Any bugs happening in Live Mode
- Build Mode: Any bugs happening in Buy/Build Mode
- Create a Sim: Any bugs happening in CAS
- The Gallery: Any bugs related to the Gallery/Library. Please post connection issues either in The Sims 4 Gameplay Questions & Issues or in the tech forum of your platform.
- Scenarios: Any bugs that are related to a scenario you picked to play on the main menu (such as Stuck in their Shadow or New In Town)
- Time Limited Events: Any bugs related to events that you can play during a limited amount of time (such as the Reaper Event or Blast from the Past)