
byondfear13's avatar
New Traveler
7 months ago
Under Investigation

'Keep Furniture' not working when moving

Eloped immediately while in one Sim's home.  Opted to move into the other sims home once married.  did not select to sell furnishings.  Nothing happened.  A tip said I can combine households in edit neighborhood.  I presume that means edit worlds.  

had to select the home button on their profile for them to travel home to the other house.  When there I checked the inventory and nothing was transferred.  

Fortunately she was rather poor and had sold all her paintings. He's a millionaire so will buy her what she wants.  Glad we didn't move into her house.  


Playing on a Mac.  Fully updated game.

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit bug report at AHQ

Archived thread had around 54 me toos


  • I made a report, that is not the same as the one in this thread, but it was changed to duplicate status because of this thread. So, I am going to comment on this in the hopes that the person who changed it will actually read the problem. Every time I try to move the household in my current game, since the newest update only, they lose all their belongings. This happens with Keep Furniture selected, with no CC or mods installed or running. This was not a problem 7 months ago, this is a new in February of 2025 problem. The game has been repaird multiple times, still happening and only started after the 2 newest game kits were installed and update happened.  I play on my PC.

  • HALirious9k's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    22 days ago

    This happened to one of my households a few weeks ago: they lost everything and I ended up loading a previous auto save. (Playing on PlayStation 5, so mod free guaranteed.)

    On a related note … More recently I had Johnny Zest marry my Sim and when moving him to my Sim’s house, I clicked “Sell Furniture” and though the Simoleons were added to the household funds, the now empty house seems to still have all of its outdoor furniture, flamingo and all. 

  • I had a similar issue the other way around. I chose to keep the items when merging households, but were left with an empty inventory and no simoleons.

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