CommodoreLezmo I play on PC, but I've had issues with the holiday UI not showing sometimes. The holiday will start but the UI doesn't show. But if I travel, the UI will show up when I reach the destination or if I just exit the lot to the map and then reload the lot, the UI will show. Maybe that will work for you to reset the UIs if you can't get them to change back and forth.
I didn't have any problem with switching between the holiday UI and the event UI last week when I had the event going and a holiday started though. I was able to use the icons in the upper left to switch between them. I had to do that several times as it would revert to the event UI every time I switched sims to check their progress on the holiday tasks as I was playing a 3 sim household.
Hope this helps.
Brilliant thank you I will try this in 18 hours when part 3 starts. Would be great if it does work I don't tend to travel during holidays apart from to the 'Holiday Ceremony' which is a rabbit hole off lot. Will 100% try if it happens again. The other Hero said there have been lots of similar issues. I know its just a small bug but if these events stop players from playing with everyday features that they've paid for it leaves a very bad taste in my mouth as a consumer.
- crinrict9 days agoHero+
So I made a test holiday and this is what I'm seeing
clicking on the plumbob puts me back to the event
I don't know if how you would cycle between those on console though - EA_Solaire2 days ago
Community Manager
Hi there,
Does your issue sound like the one being reported in the thread here?