EA - Ban appeal process is broken
It seems that the TOS team has no accountability. Look at case #200839587. The original ban provided provided no justification on why a newly created account with a newly purchased game (FC25) from a customer that hasn't even played 20 games in total (XBOX only) was given a full ban. When a ban appealed case was submitted as directed by the KB articles, the request was simply "Declined" in less than 24 hours with no explanation on which term in the Terms of Service was violated nor why the review concluded that the ban was justified. According to EA's own KB article, account bans are reserved for egregious violations of the TOS. This means the EA agents should easily be able to justify the ban. However, the obvious customer to company (EA) service expectation ( to receive clear communication) is not what is being experienced. The designed review process provides no way for a customers escalate the escalation, no live agent to provide any level of detail of the review, and no phone number to call. From this end, it seems that agents can blatantly auto close their assigned ticket without a thorough review, which is what they are being paid to do. This process also creates a customer perspective that no accountability exists to these agents. Knowing how traditional help-desk jobs work, if agents "Decline" customer requests it will create an illusion that they are good workers with an amazing ticket closure rates. This is typically a metric that is rewarded and therefore highly incentivized by the workforce. This is why it seems that the currently implemented system is fundamentally flawed and should be reviewed by leadership within EA. This business model is NOT the way new customers should be treated. The system seems to be broken and should be reviewed so greater guardrails can be put into place to create a fair and balanced set of processes and to require clear and concise communication standards.5.4KViews1like2Commentsf1 24 non si avvia da pc.
F1 24 non si avvia da pc. Una volta avviato il gioco compare la piccola finestra di caricamento, poi lo schermo diventa nero per alcuni secondi e il gioco crasha. Il tutto senza visualizzare alcun messaggio di errore, si chiude solo l'applicazione. Ho provato a seguire tutti i video di fix su youtube e tutte le istruzioni proposte nei forum/reddit ma niente. Premetto che il pc monta una 4070 e rispetta ampiamente tutti i requisiti. Esiste una soluzione a tutto questo? considerando che il problema esiste dall'uscita del gioco, 6 mesi fa.Solved586Views0likes15CommentsНе запускается Apex, только античит
При запуске игры через ЕА появляется окно античита и надпись в правом нижнем углу "Инициализация игры" и дальше античит через некоторое время закрывается, а игра не запускается. Пробовал запускать и ЕА, и через стим. Ничего не меняется Примерно год назад запускал игру, запускалась нормально. Так же видел такое решение проблемы, через программу autoruns удалить красные драйвера. К сожалению не помогло Вот конфигурация системы: Процессор: Intel Core i5-4460 Видео карта: GeForce 730 Ram: 8 GBSolvedПосле обновления 17.11.2024 невозможно играть в игру
После обновления 17.11.2024 игра начала фризить. Нет стабильного FPS. До сих пор игру никак не пофиксят. Информация от представителей ЕА хоть какая-то будет? Пробовал на разных ПК, проблема одинаковая. R5 5600x, RTX 4060, 32 GB RAM и i5 9400, RTX 2060S, 24 GB RAM.283Views2likes21CommentsВозникла ошибка при работе службы EA AntiCheat
Всем привет, у меня проблема с запуском батлы, в общем неделю уже не могу зайти в игру пишет Возникла ошибка при работе службы EA AntiCheat. Перезагрузите игру: C:\Program Files\EA\AC\EAAntiCheat.GameService.exe (7) (2) что делать?Solved129Views0likes8CommentsSince last update apex wont start
since the last update the game does not start. The Easyanticheat window opens and then closes without starting the game. more than three weeks ago and you are supposed to be reviewing it, is there any update on this? https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/New-Update-crashes-without-launching-not-a-directx12-option/td-p/14379801/page/3128Views1like6CommentsApex don`t launch
Apex does not start. When trying to start the game, anti-cheat appears, some time passes, anti-cheat closes, and the game does not start. A year ago I could start the game and everything was fine. I also tried to run it through Steam and EA, unfortunately nothing changes I tried to run Windows in clean mode, and also remove the "red", that is, unconfirmed drivers through the autorun program. None of this helped, the drivers for the video card are updated System configuration Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 Videocard: Nvidia GeForce GT730 RAM: 8 GB122Views3likes3Comments