[CURRENT ISSUE] Sims 4 DLC shows as installed, won't load in-game
Overview jump to: I have the CAS Demo installed jump to: I don't have the Demo or I'm not sure whether I do jump to: I have a Steam or Epic install jump to: I'm lost/please help There is currently an issue with Sims 4 where newly installed packs won't load in-game. The cause is that the EA App installs these packs into the wrong folder. The App shows the affected packs as installed, but the game doesn't read their data. The most common cause is having the Sims 4 CAS Demo installed, but this can also happen if a computer somehow has two copies of Sims 4 itself installed. In both cases, the game is running from one folder but the pack data is in the other. The fix is to find the folder where the packs are being installed, remove or rename this folder, clear the EA App's cache, and download the missing packs again. I have the CAS Demo installed If you have the CAS Demo installed, it will likely be here: Look inside the folder for your missing packs, for example in this case, EP13 (Growing Together) and SP16 (Tiny Living) are installed into this folder: The quick fix, which works at least some of the time, is to move these folders into the folder for the Sims 4's program files. You can find the proper file location within the EA App: open your library, click the Sims 4 icon, select Manage > View properties, and you'll see the file path. The pack folders, in this case EP13 and SP16 , need to go inside this Sims 4 folder; you can simply drag and drop them, or cut and paste. Once you've moved the folders, clear the EA App's cache and repair the game: open your game library, click the Sims 4 icon, and select Manage > Repair. Then load the game and see whether the affected packs load. If this doesn't help, you can rename the CAS Demo folder; any new name or additional characters should suffice. Or, if you have no use for the CAS Demo anymore, you can simply uninstall it through the Windows control panel or Start menu. If you get an error when trying to uninstall the Demo, restart your computer. Alternately, open the Task Manager, find the EABackgroundService in the background processes list, right-click its name, and select End Task, then try again. If you've already moved the packs' folders to the proper Sims 4 folder and it didn't work, it's best to delete these, clear the EA App's cache, and download fresh copies. You can download them through Manage > Manage Add-ons. ↑ I don't have the CAS Demo/I'm not sure If you don't have the CAS Demo installed, or you're not sure whether you do, you can run a search for the missing pack(s). Open a File Explorer window, click This PC in the left panel, then enter the name of the folder for an affected pack in the search field in the upper-right corner. (See this article for a full list of pack folder names.) For example, if Growing Together isn't loading in-game, search for EP13: You can see here that the folder is inside the CAS Demo folder, but you may also find that you have two "The Sims 4" folders for other reasons; these guidelines apply in any case. You'll also see a folder inside __Installer\DLC, usually a folder inside Delta, and perhaps other files if the pack includes a new world. These can be ignored; the only result that matters is the one directly inside a folder with "Sims 4" in the name, as underlined in red. In contrast, this is the result when searching for a properly-installed pack, in this case EP05 (Seasons): Once you locate the folders for the missing packs, you can try moving them to the proper location, i.e. the location the EA App lists for the game's program files. Clear the EA App's cache and repair the game afterwards. You can find it by opening your game library, clicking the Sims 4 icon, and selecting Manage > View properties: If this doesn't fix the issue, you can rename or uninstall the CAS Demo, if you have it, or delete the secondary folder. (If you get an error, restart your computer, or open the Task Manager and kill the EABackgroundService.) If this doesn't help either, you may need to do a clean uninstall and reinstall of all Sims 4 content, minus your user folder, as well as the EA App. ↑ I have a Steam or Epic install If you've installed Sims 4 through Steam or Epic, but you at some point installed the game through the EA App, the App may be installing packs into an old Sims 4 folder rather than the one that Steam or Epic uses. Here again, the first step is to search for one of your missing packs. Open a File Explorer window, click This PC in the left panel, then enter the name of the folder for an affected pack in the search field in the upper-right corner. (See this article for a full list of pack folder names.) For example, if Growing Together isn't loading in-game, search for EP13: The only thing that matters here is the EP13 folder installed directly inside "The Sims 4": this is the pack itself, and it needs to be in the same location as the rest of the game data. You can see that above, however, EP13 itself is installed into an EA Games folder, even though other folders labeled EP13 are inside Delta and __Installer within the Steam install's folder. The fix here is to delete the "The Sims 4" folder inside C:\Program Files\EA Games, or wherever that extra folder is. (If you can't delete it, restart your computer, and make sure the EA App and EABackgroundService are NOT running in the Task Manager.) Then clear the EA App's cache, restart your computer, and install only the affected packs, not the base game, through the EA App. If this doesn't help, you'll need to do a clean uninstall and reinstall of Sims 4 and the EA App. Please see here for more details. ↑ I'm lost/please help If the above doesn't help, please see the accepted solution of this thread, which should appear immediately below this post. You can also run a search for one or two missing packs, as described above, and post screenshots of the results in this thread. If you do this, be sure to list the packs that aren't working and those, if any, that do show up in-game. ↑Solved53KViews16likes929Comments[CURRENT ISSUE] Sims 4 saves/user content disappearing (PC)
Overview jump to: Restoring missing saves jump to: I want OneDrive to keep syncing my files jump to: I don't want OneDrive to sync my files jump to: I want to get rid of OneDrive jump to: My saves aren't in OneDrive jump to: My saves still aren't appearing in-game In Windows, the most common cause of Sims 4 saves or other user files disappearing is OneDrive. User files are stored in Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4, and if no Sims 4 folder is present there, the game will make a new one with no content. It won't look elsewhere for saves or other user content. OneDrive syncs the contents of Documents to cloud storage by default. This syncing may have worked fine for some time, but it can fail for one reason or another, and the result is that the user files are removed from local storage. Then when Sims 4 is loaded, saves, Tray files, and mods and custom content are missing, with the only option being to start a new save. If you have a Mac, please use this thread instead: [READ FIRST] Saves, CC/Mods or Library items disappeared? iCloud issues | EA Forums - 10979712 ↑ Restoring missing saves The first place to look for missing files is within OneDrive's cloud storage. Go to onedrive.com, click Sign in in the upper-right corner, and enter the email address and password associated with your Microsoft account. Please check both My files and the Recyle bin for your missing content. OneDrive does only preserve data in the Recycle bin for 30 days for a free basic account, or 93 days for some premium accounts. If that time has passed, the files may be permanently deleted. If you find your missing files, click them to select, then right-click and select Restore: Once you've downloaded the files from OneDrive, you may need to rename them or move them to the correct folder, as in, the one Sims 4 is reading. If you need more help with this process, please read this. To prevent this in the future, you can change OneDrive's settings. Or you can stop syncing or get rid of OneDrive entirely. If you've never used OneDrive, or it doesn't have your saves, please see this. ↑ I want OneDrive to keep syncing my files If your OneDrive has enough space for all your files, the simplest workaround is to tell OneDrive to keep the Sims 4 user folder on your computer. Right-click the folder and select "Always keep on this device." Please double-check that OneDrive has enough storage, or you may run into more trouble. Right-click the OneDrive icon in the lower-right corner of your screen and select Settings: Under Account, you'll see the current and total storage: If your OneDrive is full, or your "The Sims 4" folder is larger than the storage you have, you can choose to stop automatically syncing Documents overall, or the Sims 4 folder, or some subfolder, for example the Mods folder. (Please see the next section below.) You can still manually upload files to OneDrive as you choose. Or you can buy a subscription for more OneDrive storage. However, an external drive or USB stick is a one-time purchase and a cheaper long-term solution than a subscription, so consider your options before subscribing. ↑ I don't want OneDrive to sync my files The first step is to make a backup of your "The Sims 4" folder, the one in Documents > Electronic Arts. Right-click it and select Copy, then right-click the location where you want your backup to go and select Paste. If you don't have an external drive or USB stick handy, you can paste the folder into your computer's Downloads folder, which OneDrive doesn't sync. The simplest change is to tell OneDrive not to sync the contents of Documents at all. Right-click the OneDrive icon in the lower-right corner of the screen, select Settings > Backup, click Manage Backup, and under Documents, click Stop backup, then confirm the choice. Now you can restore the backup version of your Sims 4 folder to Documents > Electronic Arts, and the game should read your data. If you're not seeing your saves in-game, please read this. If you want to get more granular, you can choose to not sync the contents of the Electronic Arts folder, the Sims 4 folder, or any folder inside. First, make a backup of this folder; as above, you can store it on an external device, or in Downloads. Right-click the OneDrive icon in the lower-right corner of the screen, open Settings > Account, select Choose folders, deselect the folders you don't want OneDrive to sync, and click Okay. Once you deselect the given folder, it will be removed from your computer and stored only in the cloud. You can now restore the backup copy you made, and OneDrive won't sync it. If you forgot to back up this folder, you can still download it from onedrive.com. If you're not seeing your saves in-game, please read this. ↑ I want to get rid of OneDrive If you want to get rid of OneDrive entirely, first make a backup of any synced folders you want to keep. You can right-click the folders and select Copy, then right-click where you want the backups to be and select Paste. An external drive or USB stick is ideal, but if you don't have one handy, you can use your computer's Downloads folder, which OneDrive doesn't sync. You can also find your files later by signing into your Microsoft account at onedrive.com. Right-click the OneDrive icon in the lower-right corner of your screen, select Settings > Backup, click Manage Backup, and click Stop backup for all three categories, then confirm the choice. The reason to do this is to move the default locations of these folders out of the OneDrive folder on your computer, which might otherwise be a more complicated process. Next, right-click the OneDrive icon in the lower-right corner of your screen and select Settings > Account, then click Unlink this PC. It's unnecessary to uninstall OneDrive—without a link to a Microsoft account, it has nothing to do. After the above and before you do anything else, please double-check that your Documents folder is no longer in OneDrive. Type "command" in the Windows search box, open Command Prompt, and enter this command: reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "Personal" This will spit out the location of the Documents directory for this Windows account. The file path should no longer include OneDrive, but if it does, as here: Then you'll need to change the location manually. The simple way is to right-click Documents in the left panel of a File Explorer window and choose Properties > Location, then Move, then click This PC, then choose this: C:\Users\[your username]\Documents Click Apply, then Yes. You may get an error that says "Can't move the folder because there is a folder in the same location that can't be redirected." The normal workaround is to stop OneDrive from backing up the location of Documents, as described above. If this hasn't helped, you can change the location of Documents by editing the relevant registry entry: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/operation-to-change-a-personal-folder-location-fails-in-windows-ffb95139-6dbb-821d-27ec-62c9aaccd720 Please be very careful when editing your computer's registry. One simple typo can have significant consequences. Make a backup before you do anything: click File > Export, and save a copy of the entire registry. If you mess up the edit, just restore the backup by double-clicking the saved file. You can check your work with the same Command Prompt command as above. This also applies to the Desktop and Pictures folders if they've previously been directed to OneDrive. ↑ My saves aren't in OneDrive If you don't use OneDrive, or you can't find your saves there, you can search your computer for the saves. Open a File Explorer window, click This PC in the left panel, and enter Slot_ in the search field in the upper-right corner. When the scan finishes, if it's found any saves, click one and select the "Open file location" menu button (or right-click the file and select "Open file location"), and you'll jump to wherever the save is, which will hopefully be where the rest of your user files are. Move the saves and any other files you'd like to keep to the relevant subfolders within the Sims 4 folder the game is reading, as it appears in-game: https://sims4.crinrict.com/eng/2018/07/how-to-find-your-user-folder/ If your saves still aren't appearing in-game, please read this. If your content has disappeared, and it's not hidden on your computer and not in OneDrive, it's worth doing a virus scan. This is not to say you definitely have a virus, only that it's a good idea to check. Download Malwarebytes (the free trial is fine) from here: https://www.malwarebytes.com/mwb-download Open it, click Scan > Custom Scan > Configure Scan, check all the boxes for all scans and for all your drives, and let it do its job. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, so you may want to set the scan to run while you're doing something else. If you'd like someone to take a look at the results, please start your own thread and attach the report. ↑ My saves still aren't appearing in-game The two common reasons your saves and other user files might not load in-game is that they're in the wrong folder or they're named improperly. To make sure the files are in the correct folder, load the game and find the full file path to that folder, as described here: https://sims4.crinrict.com/eng/2018/07/how-to-find-your-user-folder/ To see the full file path of a given file or folder, right-click it and select Properties > General, then look for the Location. If you're having trouble opening the correct folder, click This PC in a File Explorer window instead, then double-click the correct drive (probably C), and open the corresponding folders from there. OneDrive may also have renamed the saves to avoid duplicate files or folders. For example, after changing some settings back and forth, I wound up with this in my saves folder: Saves need to be named in a specific format: Slot_ followed by an eight-digit hexidecimal (base-16, so numbers 0 to 9, letters a to f) number followed by .save , with no extra characters. Each save needs to have a unique number as well. All of these are valid save names: Slot_00000006.save Slot_0000000c.save Slot_00000012.save In the above screenshot, for the affected saves (red arrows), I would delete the - Copy and the space and also renumber the saves, as other saves already have those same numbers. The order in which you number the saves doesn't matter. Choose whatever names are convenient for you, although Sims 4 has occasionally been unable to read saves that start with a digit other than 0. Saves with a .verx on the end are backups of your main saves: the game saves the data from the last five times you saved your progress before the current one. These can be renamed in the same way; once the .verx extension is deleted, the game will read these files as well. The same principles apply to Tray files: they need to be named properly and in the correct Tray folder. But because Tray file names can be more difficult to work with than saves, please start your own thread asking for help if you need it. In that case, include a screenshot or two of the contents of Tray so that the person helping you can identify the problem. Include the address bar, above the list of files, in the screenshot, as in my saves screenshot above. ↑50KViews18likes470CommentsNo Ravenwood World after buying and downloading Life and Death Pack.
Hello, I just started playing the game today, after the big download yesterday. I did buy the Life and Death pack. However, during my game and when my Sims traveled, I didn't see any mention or any pictures of Ravenwood on the world map. I did buy the Lovestruck pack a while ago, and I still have the two worlds from that. I did take out one of my World Sort mods thinking that might be solve it. I don't know if it has. I will have to find out tomorrow if it has. I have a Sim that needs to write a will. Other than that how else do I fix this issue?1.9KViews1like5Comments6th Anniversary rewards are stuck
I have reached 5500 points for the anniversary rewards but I realized the items are not checked and for the past two days I can not progress and it will not give me my rewards. There is no point in playing if I can't get the stuff I earned and it isn't going to progress either way. I have tried on steam, EA app, and console and they are all stuck. I even reinstalled apex and that didn't help either1.6KViews146likes67CommentsFuture Stars Evo Issue
I have been completing a future stars lewis hall. I completed the objective to enable the 8 playstyles and completed them one by one. I then unlocked an extra option to apply 2 playstyles, block and rapid so i also applied those to him. now i've unlocked the weak foot and the playstyle plus but when i go to apply them it says their are no eligible players. as far is the evo is concerned he's now showing as "evolutions II" in his bio. Weirdly it still counts him as a future stars player in the objectives, so I can still complete the future stars play and it counts him as a future star but i can no longer apply and of the rewards as he doesn't come up. Is there anyway that could be fixed as it means i can't continue with any of the future stars academy. I'm guessing it could confuse other people as I was adding loads of playstyles to him so it wasn't clear that i wasn't allowed to add 2 more.1.4KViews7likes11CommentsLost Game Progress
Hi. I'm having problems with The Sims 4. I tried contacting EA directly multiple times, but failed. The live chat seemed to malfunction on multiple occasions, so I opened another case and was advised to talk on the phone with EA. No phone number was provided and I can't find it online. So, here I am. I'm quite lost. If anyone could help, it would be very much appreciated! I haven't played The Sims 4 online in a long time. I always played it offline (mostly to avoid dealing with updates). That's a poor choice, I'm sure. I always struggled with updates for The Sims and Origin, because no matter how many times Origin would say "origin updates are optimized - which means they're really fast!" or whatever, they would never be any different than they were in the past. I'm on a PC. A Lenovo ThinkPad, to be specific. I have Windows 10 as well. I always saved my games (of course) and saved my households and lots to my library within the game. Anyway, after finally deciding it was time to update, I attempted to go online in Origin. I couldn't get any of my games to open nor could I get Origin to update. So I uninstalled it and reinstalled it. Keep in mind, I never backed up any of my saves. After it finally reinstalled, I had to reinstall and update my games. After a lengthy installation of The Sims 4 and the expansions that I own, it was finally ready to play. Or so I thought. I clicked on The Sims 4 and received an error message. I don't remember exactly what it said (another poor choice on my part for not taking a picture of it) but I couldn't figure out what to do so I went back into Origin, clicked on The Sims 4, clicked on the settings icon, and chose the "repair" option. This didn't take too long, which was nice. However, when I opened the game and went to go load one of my worlds, none of my worlds were there. So I figured maybe my saves were somehow deleted, which was upsetting, but isn't horrible because all my Sims and households are saved in my library, right? Nope. Those were all gone too. Now I was really starting to panic. So I tried to go with the flow and create a new household, hoping that if I created a household and bought a house and finished whatever tutorial there was that covered the new features, it would let me back into my other worlds. Of course that didn't work out either. So I went back into file explorer, and all my Sims 4 files had been replaced with new ones dated 3/22/2020 (the day all of this chaos was happening) and contained nothing except the new pointless household I had just made. And I can't seem to find my old files anywhere. I don't know where I went wrong. Probably everything I did was wrong. I hope I explained this well and if anyone could help, that would be great. I've spent so much time and effort on this game and it would break my heart if that were all gone for good! ☹️1.3KViews0likes6CommentsEA FC 25 Market Issue – Stuck Selling for 99 Coins
EA FC 25 Market Issue – Stuck Selling for 99 Coins Has anyone else had this issue? Since the PlayStation outage a few days ago, I’ve been unable to sell any players I’ve packed for more than 99 coins. Anything I packed before the outage or bought off the market is fine, but anything I’ve packed since is stuck at the minimum price. This has cost me a ton of coins, especially with the latest promo, where I can’t sell any of my good pulls for what they’re actually worth. It’s super frustrating and feels really unfair. If anyone knows a fix or if EA has acknowledged this, please let me know. Hopefully, they sort this out soon!1.2KViews3likes1CommentStill no controller vibration Xbox NHL25
All my controllers have vibration in NHL24 and all other of my games installed on my series X. But still after reinstalling NHL25 and playing a week no patch? It works on my ps5 but I prefer playing NHL with an Xbox controller. Can EA please patch this for Xbox. Getting annoying to play without vibration function that I have paid for being able to use in the game. Update 17 October: After EA rolled out a big hotfix patch this week this is still not patched. I will not play the game anymore after this. And I will never buy NHL or any other EA game after this. I am amazed by how they treat their customers.1.2KViews13likes41Comments