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Game Balance and Matchmaking - We want your feedback!
Hey everyone, To keep things in one place and easy to keep track of, we're encouraging you to share feedback regarding game balance and matchmaking in this thread. So what's game balance? A couple of examples would be: unit balance, do matches seem fair and fun overall? If you wish to leave general feedback regarding the game, you can always create a separate thread in the Game Information category. We promise not to miss any of it 😉51KViews22likes896CommentsCommand and Conquer Remastered -- Failed to launch
After downloading and installation through EA app, games can't startup and error pops up as. (asking to give permission, after pressing OK, failed to launch caused by error) My system is Windows 11. I tried to run the game as admin, but it doesn't work. I tried to repair, still not work I also tried to uninstall the game and install again, not working..... Please help to solve this problem. Thank you.Solved18KViews9likes286Comments500 SERVER ERROR ISSUE 8th March - 10th March
Login issue since 03/08/23. I cannot get pass the login screen which comes up 3 times before I get a screen that says - Server has encountered an issue. Please try again later. When I come back later, I get the 500 error screen. This is happening on both browsers, Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome which are all updated. I have tried clearing browser data with no results, updating my password and also running incognito mode and continue to get 500 error screen I am using Windows 10. I am playing on World: Tiberium 55. I live in USA. PLEASE HELP - I NEED ACCESS TO THE GAME ! ! ! James650Views1like195CommentsServer issues on 9th to11th of September 2019 Don't POST HERE for 14-April-2020
After the latest problems, following the August maintenance/new server debacle, are you ever going to make sure things work properly before implementing them? Waiting for cncapp01/02/03/04 is taking longer and longer, if it works at all. Either sort out your shit or return all the money people have paid for the game.1.7KViews1like159CommentsFunds
Salut a tous je sais pas ci vous avait remarquer cette augmentation des funds c'est devenue hors de prix 40€ pour 90.000 funds et 4.55 pour 6000 ca commence a faire très chère la plupart des gans qui on peux de moyen et qu'il veule faire comme tout le monde bientôt ne pourront plus a cause de cette hausse faramineuse il faut faire quelque chose une pétition ou autre ne penssont pas qu'a nous mes au autre aussi merci a tous d'avanceStuck on "Attack in progress" error after September 18
Hey folks, We've seen several reports of accounts stuck with the "Attack in progress" message displayed, across multiple worlds. This has been passed along to the team though it may take a little additional time to address. Thanks for the patience while we're taking a look!Solved1.7KViews10likes148CommentsUpdate/fix for some scripts need testing
Hi all! I'm going to release a new version of CnCTA SoO SCRIPT PACK with some scripts updates and new fixes i need some testing before release for these fixes: MaelstromTools Dev (Modv1.6 for MCV) - Gain per Hour fix for buildings that have packages <12 level TA_Tiberium_Alliances_Battle_Simulator_V2 20.11.28 - Fix for Sim View with Autorepair (sime stats disappear if autorepair runs after minutes) TA_Wavy 0.5.6 Distance FIX you can find these testing script fixes in testing branch Thanks all. @nefrontheone @iguanaworld563Views1like139Comments22.3 Patch and Scripts disruption - WORKING LAB
Hi all. As some of you may have noticed on PTE there is 22.3 server code. I can't find the announcement for this patch but i can see that code has changed (mainly recompiled styled code). This is good but will cause (as you can see) quite 80% of scripts codes to fail cause they rely on regex matches on code strings. I'm opening this "crisis management", "emergency response" thread for 22.3 and scripts disruption. You will find here all scripts failing and possibly the fix version. I will populate the list progressively but I can already say the most scripts will need a fix. - Tiberium Alliances Battle Simulator V2 ✅ ---- @version 22.07.20 ---- - TACS (Tiberium Alliances Combat Simulator) ✅ ---- @version 3.79 ---- - MovableMenuOverlay ✅ ---- @version 1.0.9 ---- - infernal wrapper ✅ ---- @version 1.48 ---- - Tiberium Alliances The Movement ✅ ---- @version 1.0.7 ---- - C&C Tiberium Alliances POIs Analyser ✅ ---- @version 2.0.9 ---- - Tiberium Alliances Wavy ✅ ---- @version 0.5.8 ---- - TA Autorepair ✅ ---- @version 1.0.4 ---- - Tiberium Alliances Zoom ✅ ---- @version 1.0.5 ---- - Tiberium Alliances Info Sticker✅ ---- @version 1.14 ---- - Tiberium Alliances Info Sticker (SUPERCompact)✅ ---- @version 1.14 ---- - Maelstrom ADDON City Online Status Colorer for SC✅ ---- @version 0.7.5 ---- - Base Share✅ ---- @version 22.07.22 ---- - CityMoveInfoExtend✅ ---- @version 22.07.24 ---- - C&C:TA Count Forgotten Bases in Range✅ ---- @version 1.1.4 ---- - Tiberium Alliances Real POI Bonus✅ ---- Not failing but i updated regex ---- @version 1.0.4 ---- - Tiberium Alliances Report Stats✅ ---- @version 0.5.5 ---- ⛔ IMPORTANT ⛔ - All fixed codes should work on both 22.2 and 22.3 PTE - QUITE ALL NES CODES REQUIRES LAST VERSION OF INFERNAL WRAPPER TO WORK ON 22.3 👁🗨 NOTES 👁🗨 Next version of script pack extension will include other bug fixes not 22.3 related for: - CnC: MHTools Tiberium Alliances Available Loot Summary + Info - Maelstrom ADDON Basescanner AIO - MaelstromTools Dev (Modv1.7 for MCV) @iguanaworld @nefrontheone @gamerdruid3.1KViews1like138CommentsTiberium Alliances Battle Simulator V2 (TABS) - Testing - Modding - Fixing
Tiberium Alliances Battle Simulator V2 (TABS) - Testing - Modding - Fixing This is the reference thread dedicated to improving Tiberium Alliances Battle Simulator V2 (TABS) Script. Follows the discussion, hard work and deep testing done at Improving the script started aiming at resolving a problem introduced in 19.5 server update that adds a new bar in AttackSetup area causing difficulty to see the first line of Defense when attacking. Most recent test version is available at CnCTA-SoO-SCRIPT-PACK Repo on GitHub Last version -> 22.05.12 Changelog since 18.07.12 (or such) - Jobs done so far: PlayArea(MainOverlay) positioning to unhide First Line Defense Changed and fixed side bars for better view New code for detecting Desktop Resize and improve View MovebleBox for units managing now Save its position Other minor GUI fixes Removed TABS function for ShiftTopAttackBarButtons and modified native 19.5 similar bar Fixed Top bar button Shift Units not always aligned - rewrite and used native structure Enabled MovebleBox FREE outside PlayArea Enabled Standard units function selection for Trasported/Tranportation Units Added SkipVictoryWindow Option 20.1 Patch Ready 20.2 Patch Ready Some Sim Presets Fixes+ Fix for Sim View with Autorepair Fix open/close stats for replays Back Button fix also for replays Skip Button removed Patch for 22.2 NOEVIL for all code New Fixes for simulation + ReplayBar + Date hidden New SkipSimulation Function TODO: - Any help, suggestion and feedback is much appreciate. Bugs and testing better come with screenshots or debug console errors. IMPORTANT: Clear or Disable browser cache before testing and in case of problems/errors. @iguanaworld @nefrontheone3.3KViews1like134Comments19.5 new attack buttons
I put it as an error because I think it is an error but if not, please move the message to the corresponding area. Once you have launched the attack you can prepare the next attack, right? Why doesn't the troop movement bar appear? “The Vault”
The Vault is a unique object found in the Crates tab of the store that is only available for a limited time. Each time you open a crate, cards will be added to the vault. All crates you open will fill The Vault with cards, but higher value crates will grant more cards. The Vault unlocks at 100 cards, but can be filled to up to 300 cards. After unlocking, it can be opened at any time for 600 Diamonds, regardless of how many cards are in it. Waiting until it reaches the maximum of 300 cards will give the best value, but it can be opened early. When opened, you will receive all the cards in The Vault, at which point The Vault will reset and can be filled again. You can fill up and open the Vault as many times as you would like while it’s available. When The Vault reaches its maximum capacity, all cards earned from opening new crates won’t go into the Vault and will be lost. The unit cards that you get from the Vault are random. However, the percentage of Commons, Rares and Epics you receive will always be the same, whether you open the Vault when it has 150 cards or 300 cards. Vault Card Rarity Breakdown: Common: 52.2% Rare: 37.8% Epic: 10% If you don’t open the Vault before it expires, the cards will remain until the next event and you won’t lose any of the progress that you made. You can continue filling the Vault, or open it, when it becomes available again.7.3KViews0likes115CommentsLogIn error / lost crates /can't change world / Options fail 25/26th Jan
An error in the access to the game has begun to take place. After entering the username and password, the following screen appears: (Error 500) If you click on "Back to start", the game page WITHOUT an identified user is loaded: If you then click on the "Play now" button, error 500 appears in text mode: Chrome latest version. Versión 71.0.3578.98 (Build oficial) (64 bits)900Views0likes106CommentsW21 malus correction
As it's not possible to give feedback in announcmenets.. so make an topic. This correction is awfull LOL, as now i have malus 65% to higher base towards the centre, then 50% backwards.. in general.. i am stuck haha .. as all the others. Can we finish this server as it was?3.4KViews1like100CommentsScripts updated for 19.3
Hi! Our friend @AlkalyneD4 has fixed some scripts for 19.3 version of our game that run inside Tampermonkey. Thank you for your hard work! Wrapper Maelstrom ADDON BaseScanner Note: BaseScanner includes spanish translation now. The Movement Tiberium Alliances AutoRepair @leo7044 updated (with spanish tanslations): WarChiefs Tiberium Alliances Upgrade Base Defense Army @BambiByte reports that Crucial Pack works fine: If you find any other updates, links are wellcome. Important: Old versions of these scripts must be deactivated, whether they are installed manually or as part of a script package (like Crucial Pack, CnCTA SoO SCRIPT PACK or CENTER DRIVEN Pack) Note: Some scripts still work with version 19.3, so they have not needed updating/fixing and have not been included in this thread.4.9KViews1like97Comments
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