6 years ago
Bullet velocity too low
Like the topic says, I've never seen a game where you have to lead your shots so much... in close combat. Add some laggy situation in the beggining of the game and you won't hit anything as the guy ...
I find it to be the other way around, Longbow's bullet drops like a rock and I have to aim 3 dots up on the site just to get a shot on their foot. Scout though I can generally just aim directly at them and boom head shots for days!
I always assumed that the velocity and bullet drop had some kind of relation to the type of ammo it used. The heavy ammo being slower with higher bullet drop, but obviously higher damage. Light ammo getting higher velocity and less bullet drop, but weaker in damage. I am not sure how true this is, but that's how it feels in game.
I have only really ever had a gripe with the bullet drop on the longbow, It's gigantic for the fact that it's a sniper rifle. I am shooting guys not even 50M away, and the bullet is hitting their foot when I aimed at their head. I can even be at high elevation, and somehow shooting downward still makes the bullet drop, what even is that?\
As for velocity, well I can't disagree that sometimes it does feel like it is lacking in short to mid range. I am not saying you shouldn't have to lead at all, but sometimes it does seem strange that I have to lead a foot off their body to hit them, when I am no more then 5 feet away.
Triple Take is slightly faster than the G7 Scout 3rd Longbow and Kraber is slowest. I think the G7 Scout is the best sniper in game.