Forum Discussion
84 Replies
Yeah I like the idea of the gun bu maybe longer charge and more fire rate.
- i say just nerf it don't get rid of the whole shotgun
- Easy solution: nerf the damage to 9 instead of 10 damage per pellet. This decreases the total damage if u hit all 11 pellets from 110 to 99, so u can no longer one shot no armor full hp target or 2 shot fully equiped people with full hp. Ez.
They are not stories, since yesterday I "sniped" a guy with the choke on for 98 damage on a 100m distance. I am serious. I usually play sniper in most FPS games (AWPer on GE in CS:GO; Master Stix in Paladins, etc.) and in Apex Legends I use Peacekeeper with a choke for a sniper. This gun hits not only like a truck, but with the choke on turns into a sniping rifle that two shots people in a matter of seconds. Even the golden sniper being a single-bolt rifle can not do that. I will clip it next time, so you know its not just "stories of people on forum".
There you go with a clip:
- @ForestWolf89, first of, nice shot. Second, look how long it took you to do that (not criticizing just building up towards my next lines), if the other guy had teammates or was a decent shot, he'd already have at least your shield down the 3 times you (tried) to shoot him.
Yes, the range is absurd on the peacekeeper, but seriously, by the time someone stands still intending to use it as a sniper and someone else actually sees him with a burst or a weapon intended for long range, you could easily scare the 'PeaceKeeper' - Mate, no other sniper can do that damage that quick, even with long bow just waiting for the recoil takes you almost as long as for the choke to charge up. Also, dont forget you are not always fighting head on, but a lot of times flank the enemy team. Especially if they are in a firefight - no1 will have time to even turn around if there is a shotgun 2-shotting you on that distance
peacekeeper is good balanced weapon, its my main weapon for close combat. This shotgun have a low rof and small clip. u cant hit somebody without mod 30 far away from u with good dmg (max 50). they need to rework other weapons, flatline do 13 dmg per bodyshot... this is ridiculus.
A slower firing rate would solve the problem i think. Then it can be a good gun if you have cover and eva can outperform it in the open.
- @ForestWolf89, I get what your saying about moving enemies, BUT I've seen so many stillstanding enemies from 50-100m away. With a sniper you can go for that head and when they panic go for a good bodyshot.
Snipers are worthless tho, just use an AR... unless you have the Kraber. Then you better have good aim. Maybe just make it an energy weapon? Keep everything else the same, but now it's a good bit rarer with less ammo strewn around.
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