Forum Discussion
84 Replies
It's not the gun it's self it's the fact that most of the guns in Apex have some gun similar in Fornite and that's where most of the players are coming from where everything is really shotgun heavy because of build fights
This gun is still really overpowered to the point where almost everyone uses it, and it's choke makes it even more broken this.
R-301= Scar
R-99= compact smg
Peacekeeper= Pump
Wingman= Hand-Cannon
So people are just using their knowledge from fornite in Apex
@Comanglia wrote:"The Peacekeeper makes every single gun at close range irrelevant. You will not beat it with any AR, Sniper, Smg, or Pistol in the game." - MagmaticWolf
Oh really?
Quick scope headshot from the Kraber. Sniper ✓
G7-Scout does over 50 damage on headshot even to purple helmet and has a rate of fire almost 5x higher. Sniper again ✓
R-99 has the 2nd highest non-headshot DPS in the game (minus mastiff). SMG ✓
Devotion has the highest headshot or bodyshot DPS in the game. LMG ✓ (assuming turbo charger)
R-301 has the 2nd hightest headshot DPS in the game (minus mastiff). AR ✓
Wingman has a higher fire rate and with skull piercing attachment does at least 84 damage on each headshot. Pistol ✓
Looks like you're wrong on all accounts.
Quick run down on TTK for each one of the above
assumptions made
purple helmet
full purple armor
full HP
100% accuracy / 100% of pellets hit
Peacekeeper assuming all pellets hit (headshot or not doesn't matter) = 1.03s
Kraber quickscope headshot = instant
G7-Scout all headshots = ~0.88s
G7-Scout all bodyshots = ~1.32s
R-99 all headshots = ~0.71s
R-99 all bodyshots = ~0.88s
Devotion all headshots = ~0.46s (assuming turbo charger)
Devotion all bodyshots = ~0.73s (assuming turbo charger)
R-301 all headshots = ~0.75s
R-301 all bodyshots = ~1.17s
Wingman all headshots = ~0.59s (assuming skull piercing)
Wingman all bodyshots = ~1.17s
BONUS peacekeeper can lose in TTK to the EVA-8 as well *
EVA-8 all headshots = ~0.94s
EVA-8 all bodyshots = ~1.41s
The only thing the peacekeeper needs done about it is have a slightly larger pellet spread so it isn't as good at range.
Comparing straight DPS is irrelevant. Someone with a peacekeeper can pop out from a corner, instantly do max damage, and be back to cover before someone with "highest dps xyz" weapon can get a couple bullets out, thus making the high dps moot.
To be honest, I don't think that the Peacekeeper is overpowered, I think that it is bugged in some way or is inherently "unstable".
I have written my post on the matter if you want to hear my explanation.
- i hate peacekeeper and everyone who plays it. screw that * I never pick it up, i'd rather die. this so broken at least put it in the drops like the mastiff (which isn't as good as a peacekeeper)
Peacekeeper should be nerfed. It's best shotgun. And with choke it's best sniper. Havoc using 5 bullets for rail mode and deal less damage.
Maybe reducing the clip size on the Peacekeeper down to 4 would be a good idea. I would make each shot more important.
- honestly an Eva-8 with a shotgun bolt is almost just as good.
@OmniVan wrote:
@Comanglia wrote:"The Peacekeeper makes every single gun at close range irrelevant. You will not beat it with any AR, Sniper, Smg, or Pistol in the game." - MagmaticWolf
Oh really?
Quick scope headshot from the Kraber. Sniper ✓
G7-Scout does over 50 damage on headshot even to purple helmet and has a rate of fire almost 5x higher. Sniper again ✓
R-99 has the 2nd highest non-headshot DPS in the game (minus mastiff). SMG ✓
Devotion has the highest headshot or bodyshot DPS in the game. LMG ✓ (assuming turbo charger)
R-301 has the 2nd hightest headshot DPS in the game (minus mastiff). AR ✓
Wingman has a higher fire rate and with skull piercing attachment does at least 84 damage on each headshot. Pistol ✓
Looks like you're wrong on all accounts.
Quick run down on TTK for each one of the above
assumptions made
purple helmet
full purple armor
full HP
100% accuracy / 100% of pellets hit
Peacekeeper assuming all pellets hit (headshot or not doesn't matter) = 1.03s
Kraber quickscope headshot = instant
G7-Scout all headshots = ~0.88s
G7-Scout all bodyshots = ~1.32s
R-99 all headshots = ~0.71s
R-99 all bodyshots = ~0.88s
Devotion all headshots = ~0.46s (assuming turbo charger)
Devotion all bodyshots = ~0.73s (assuming turbo charger)
R-301 all headshots = ~0.75s
R-301 all bodyshots = ~1.17s
Wingman all headshots = ~0.59s (assuming skull piercing)
Wingman all bodyshots = ~1.17s
BONUS peacekeeper can lose in TTK to the EVA-8 as well *
EVA-8 all headshots = ~0.94s
EVA-8 all bodyshots = ~1.41s
The only thing the peacekeeper needs done about it is have a slightly larger pellet spread so it isn't as good at range.
Comparing straight DPS is irrelevant. Someone with a peacekeeper can pop out from a corner, instantly do max damage, and be back to cover before someone with "highest dps xyz" weapon can get a couple bullets out, thus making the high dps moot.
Lol i think corner play is the classic use of shotgun. CS Go, pubg, fortnite, battlefield, cod or any shooter game out there will feature this.
Still not OP in mentioned games.
Get rid of this noob weapon
Shotguns in PUBG, and Blackout are High reward, High Risk, pubg has the double Barrel (2rounds) and the Pump action shotgun (5 rounds), and COD Blackout have Mog12(4rounds) and sg12(6 rounds) every shotgun have great damage but you need to get super close to someone to get a good shot in those games, nothing like PK on apex, PK its a High Reward Low Risk Weapon because even at 10-15meters range, PK hit 50-80 damage without a choke and there's almost no difference between ads and hip-fire, at this range that damage is half of the HP with a Blue shield, PK have 6 shots, non of the other shotguns have that many rounds and insane damage at mid range, another difference is that on pubg and Cod blackout get closer to someone is a risky move, in apex a pathfinder, wraith or an octane can use their ultimate moves and get you closer with almost no risk.
The PK need some kind of nerf:
.-Remove the pellet size increase buff, PK never needed that buff, i think this is the main reason why is stupidly OP right now, stills needed a nerf before that change.
.-Reduce the pellet damage by 3. body: 77, headshot-132, leg-55, increase dispersion by 40% on ads and 60% on hip fire, reduce magazine size to 4, reduce fire rate to 0.70 and remove the choke from PK.
This changes will increase the risk of using it, and will remove the mid-long range capabilities and the pk will still be a very good weapon at close range.
I'm open to hear arguments or changes to my proposal.
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