@BenchwarmerbrewBoo Hoo, Mouse and Keyboard players literally have an advantage at everything else
Also theres PC Players that use macro which gives aim assist, and theres really no way to know if someone is actually on controller or mouse and keyboard decides guessing based off of movement/aim, and lmfao hemloks do that... its how underrated that weapon is test it out in the firing range, aim assist does not go for headshots as you claim all it does is slow down sights and adds a curve around an opponent
you can’t be blaming aim assist tbh... i tested it out in the firing range and my aim is still decent about 30m away from the dummies and I tried on the targets that have no aim assist at all, and im a trash player... theres players with way better aim than me
for the hemlok situation its 44 damage per headshot... and if hemlok is in burst mode thats 3 shots for 132 damage... you can’t blame that on aim assist lmao I tested hemlok with controller and m+k and its the same either way but alot easier with m+k imo and i NEVER use m+k
Another thing a hemloks recoil is straight up... in burst so literally if you just aim for the chest you are guarenteed 2 headshots almost unless your aiming too low but again this is tested on targets that are standing still