Remove the 4x-10x digital threat from the game.
The 4x-10x digital threat was so ridiculous that the ability to see the enemy through smoke disappeared, making it the most useless scope.
Nevertheless, it is always attached to the gold sniper rifles that appear in care packages, etc., as if it were a powerful scope.
And it is rare to find it by itself in a care package as if it were a powerful rare item.
To be honest, this 4x-10x digital threat is harder to see than any other great scope, and even though it has a long-range magnification, it has no horizontal deviation and the vertical deviation is very difficult to see, making it very difficult to aim at moving enemies at long range. It is not useful at all in medium to short range combat, and iron sights are still better at that distance.
Thus, this 4x-10x digital threat should be permanently removed from the game as it has no strength at all at any distance, has no use, and is just a distraction that is needlessly crowding out slots for other care package items and rare drop items.
It makes no sense to remove the 1x digital threat but keep the trashy 4x-10x digital threat, which should disappear when the 1x digital threat is removed from the game.