3 years ago
The simplest Crypto buff.
For the Apex team and community's consideration,
I have a simple proposal to streamline our frequent interaction with Crypto's drone: apply Vantage's Echo bat movement logic to it.
That's really all there is to it - just take the exact implementation for how you can reposition Echo by pointing anywhere in your view (within say 50m, for balance) and then simply apply it to the drone as well. Recalling the drone and entering drone view would function as it currently does, and by allowing offhand control of the drone the player can then rapidly reposition it during a fight while maintaining "guns up" and staying off the grid. This isn't even technically a buff, but rather a rework to improve overall effectiveness of his entire kit (surveilance and disruption).
I want to state that I believe Crypto is in a good spot as things currently are, and this would serve as a QOL improvement.
As far as implementation goes, the logic is quite literally already in the codebase.
However, I don't want to diminish the hard work that the developers do to keep the game in a great state for us players - I'm just saying that given the existing implementation of Vantage's kit, it would stand to reason that this has "already been done before" and would not necessarily be a massive undertaking for the team to add into the game if they see fit.
Just my thoughts, thank you for your time.
@MaxGenPilotWhile it’s a nice idea, myself and a few others have talked about it in the past on these forums, and a major issue that was brought up is that it would be hard to make the drone face the right way. It has 240° of vision, which is good, but not the best with only a 30m scan distance, and so the scan is pretty dependent on the correct orientation of the drone.
Another thing brought up was that having a constant moving scan is not the healthiest for the game. Crypto’s scan is balanced by the fact that it has to sit in one spot and risk being destroyed. Respawn is already working on nerfing scans in apex, as they have with Seer and Bloodhound, because to be honest it isn’t the best mechanic to have to play against.